Saturday, January 16, 2016




Books and Articles
Ahmad, Lieutenant Colonel Mustasad, Living Upto Heritage - The Rajputs, New Delhi: Lancer, 1997.
Antia, Lieutenant Colonel S.N. United Nations Emergency Force: Its Creation and Problems”, The Signalman, January 1958
Bajwa, Major General K.S., Jammu and Kashmir War (1947-48) – Political and Military Perspective, New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications.

Barreto, Brigadier T., History of the Corps of Signals, Volume 1 – Early Times to Outbreak of Second World War (1939) New Delhi: The Corps of Signals Association, Second Edition, 2006.

Cardozo, Major General Ian, Ed. The Indian Army - A Brief History, New Delhi: 2005.

Dalvi, Brigadier John, Himalayan Blunder, Bombay: Thacker & Co., 1969.

‘Eighth W.I.A.A Reliability Trials-1961’, The Signalman, April, 1962
Ferris, Major W.V, ‘Motor Cycle Trials’, The Signalman, July 1961.

First Triangular Sports Meet’, The Signalman, April 1960.

Gill,   Brigadier P.S, ‘Tales from HAM Radio 2 (IMA Dehra Dun -1947)’, The Signalman, January 2001.
Tales from HAM Radio – 2 (Poona 1948)’, The Signalman, May 2001.
Tales from HAM Radio – 3 (Shillong & Tezpur 1962)’, The Signalman, September 2001

Hayde, Brigadier Desmond E., The Battle of Dograi, Delhi: Vanity Books, 1984.

Herbert, Major Leslie ‘The Sixth Triangular Meet: 1967’, The Signalman, January 1968.

Johri, Major Sita Ram, Chinese Invasion of NEFA, Lucknow: Himalaya Publications, 1968

Jacob, Lieutenant General J.F.R., Surrender At Dacca - Birth Of A Nation, New Delhi: South Asia Books, 1997.

Kaul, Lieutenant General B.M., The Untold Story, New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1967. 

Khera, P.N., Operation Vijay – The Liberation of Goa and Other Portuguese Colonies in India, New Delhi: History Division, Ministry of Defence, 1974.

Krishna Rao, General K.V., Prepare or Perish – A Study of National Security, New Delhi: Lancer, 1991

Lal, Air Marshal P.C., My Years with The IAF, New Delhi: Lancer, 1986.

Marley, Major H.A., ‘How It All Began’, The Signalman, January 1967.
Maxwell, Neville, India's China War, Bombay: Jaico Publishing House, 1971.

Menezes, Lieutenant General S.L., Fidelity and Honour – The Indian Army from the Seventeenth to the Twenty First Century, New Delhi: Penguin, 1993.

Narayanan, Brig. M.R., When Sparrows Flew Like Eagles – Memoirs of a Signal Officer (unpublished).

Nambiar, Lieutenant General Satish, For the Honour of India – A History of Indian Peacekeeping, New Delhi; United Service Institution of India, 2009

Niazi, Lieutenant General A.A.K., The Betrayal Of East Pakistan, New Delhi: Manohar, 1998.

‘Ninth Triangular Sports Meet’, The Signalman, January 1971.

Palit, Major General D.K., The Lightning Campaign, New Delhi: Thompson, 1972.

----, War In High Himalaya - The Indian Army In Crisis, London: Hurst & Co, 1991.

Palsokar, Colonel R.D., The Grenadiers – A Tradition of Valour, Jabalpur: Grenadiers Regimental Association, 1980,

Prasad, S.N. and Dharampal, History of The Operations In Jammu & Kashmir (1947-48), New Delhi: History Division, Ministry of Defence.

Prasad, S.N., Operation Polo – The Police Action Against Hyderabad 1948, New Delhi: History Division, Ministry of Defence, 1972

Praval, Major K.C., Indian Army after Independence, New Delhi: Lancer, 1987.

Prasad, Major General Niranjan, The Fall of Towang, 1962, New Delhi: Palit & Palit, 1981

Regimental History – Indian Contingent Signal Regiment ONUC (Congo)

Sawhney, Major P.D., ‘Indian Independent Brigade Group Signal Company in the Congo’, The Signalman, January 1962
Sen, Lieutenant General L.P., Slender Was The Thread, New Delhi: Sangam, 1973.
Sen, Lieutenant Colonel R.N., ‘2 AB (MEO) Signals.’(unpublished)

‘Seventh W.I.A.A Reliability Trials-1960’, The Signalman, January 1961
Sharma, Lieutenant Colonel Gautam, Path of Glory – Exploits of the 11th Gorkha Rifles, Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1988

Shavey, “The Indian Signal Section with the UNEF”, The Signalman, October 1957. 
‘Signals in Eleventh W.I.A.A. Reliability Trials’, The Signalman, October, 1967
Singh, Major General Lachhman, Indian Sword Strikes In East Pakistan, New Delhi: Vikas, 1979.
----, Victory In Bangla Desh, Dehradun: Natraj Publishers, 1981.
----, Missed Opportunities - Indo Pak War 1965, Dehradun: Natraj Publishers, 1997.

Singh, Lieutenant General Hanut, Fakhr-E-Hind - The Story Of The Poona Horse, Dehradun: Agrim Publishers, 1993.

Singh, Lieutenant Colonel Jaswant, ‘1 Armoured Divisional Signal Regiment,’ The Signalman, January 1949.

Singh, Major General Sukhwant, The Liberation Of Bangla Desh, New Delhi: Vikas, 1980.

Singh, Major General V.K., Leadership in the Indian Army – Biographies of Twelve Soldiers, New Delhi: Sage, 2005.

------History of the Corps of Signals, Volume II, New Delhi: Corps of Signals Association, 2006.

Singh, Brigadier Rajendra, The Military Evacuation Organisation, 1947-48, New Delhi: Historical Section, Ministry of Defence, 1961

Sinha, Lieutenant General S.K., Operation Rescue, New Delhi: Vision Books, 1977.

Singh, Lieutenant General Harbaksh, War Despatches: Indo-Pak Conflict 1965, New Delhi:1991

------- In the Line of Duty – A Soldier Remembers, New Delhi: Lancer, 2000.

Singh, Lieutenant General Harbhajan, Corps of Signals History - 1965 Indo-Pak War (unpublished), 2004.
Singh, Brigadier Lakshman, Letters from the Border and Other Less Told Stories, NOIDA: B.L.S Publishers, 2003.

Singh, Lieutenant General Sagat, ‘Reminiscences of a Historic and happy Association’, The Story of the Indian Airborne Troops, New Delhi: Lancer International.

Singh, Brigadier Sucha, ‘Operation in Goa’, The Story of the Indian Airborne Troops, New Delhi: Lancer International.

‘Sixth W.I.A.A Reliability Trial-1959’, The Signalman, October 1959
Subramanyam, Colonel V.A., A History of the Corps of Signals, New Delhi: Macmillan, 1986

Tewari, Major General K.K., A Soldier’s Voyage of Self Discovery, Auroville: 1995.

‘Third Triangular Sports Meet: 1962’, The Signalman, April 1962.

Verma, Major General Ashok Kalyan, Rivers Of Silence, New Delhi: Lancer, 1998. 

 ‘W.I.A.A Reliability Trials-1968’, The Signalman, October 1968

Other Sources
Corps of Signals Planning/Liaison Notes No. 1 (January 1948) to No. 40 (January 57); and No. 61 (January 1963) to No. 99 (January 73).

Historical Report JA Divisional Signal Regiment, 04 May to 30 Nov 1948
Historical Report, 50 Independent Parachute Brigade on Operation ‘Vijay’.
Historical Records, ‘Operation Vijay’, HQ 17 Infantry Division, (HD-MOD),
Minutes of the 1st Indian Signal Corps Committee Meeting, 10 September 1946.
Minutes of the 2nd Indian Signal Corps Committee Meeting, 15 May 1947
Minutes of Corps of Signals Committee Meetings (post- Independence), from serial 1 (April 1948) to serial 26 (June 1975)
Pamphlet ‘Post Commission Training of Permanent Commission Officers 1968’.
Report on Aguada Fort Incident, (HD-MOD), New Delhi,
Report on Operation ‘Vijay’ by Lieutenant General J.N. Chaudhuri, GOC-in-C Southern Command dated 04 May 1962
Report on Performance of Force Signal Unit in Korea, by Captain M.S. Sodhi, 1954
Review of Activities of the Corps of Signals, 7 October 1965.
‘White Paper on Kashmir, Government of India, New Delhi, 26 February 1948





1.         J&K Operations (1947-49), Southern Front, page

2.         J&K Operations (1947-49), Northern Front, page


3.         Goa Operations (1961), page




4.         Indo Pak War (1965), XI Corps Sector, page

5.         Indo Pak War (1965), XV Corps Sector, page


6.         Indo Pak War (1971), Eastern Theatre, page


7.         Indo Pak War (1971), XI Corps Sector, page

8.         Indo Pak War (1971), J&K Sector, page


9.         Korea (1950-54), page

10.       Indo China (1954), page

11.       UN Emergency Force Gaza (1956-67), page

12.       UN operations in Congo (1960-1964), page




AA                              -           Anti Aircraft
AA & QMG                -           Assistant Adjutant & Quarter Master General
ADC                           -           Aide-de-Camp
ADLS                         -           Air Despatch Letter Service
AFHQ                         -           Armed Forces Headquarters
AG                              -           Adjutant General
AQMG                        -           Assistant Quarter Master General
ASSU                          -           Air Support Signal Unit
AT                               -           Animal Transport
BEM                           -           British Empire Medal
BM                              -           Brigade Major
BOR                            -           British Other Rank(s)
CAFSO                       -           Chief Air Formation Signal Officer
CGS                            -           Chief of General Staff
CHM                           -           Company Havildar Major
C-in-C                         -           Commander-in-Chief
CQMH                        -           Company Quarter Master Havildar
CRA                            -           Commander Royal Artillery

CSO                            -           Chief Signal Officer

CW                              -           Continuous Wave
cwt                              -           hundredweight (112 lbs.)
DAA & QMG             -           Deputy Assistant Adjutant & Quarter Master General
DAQMG                     -           Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General
DCGS                         -           Deputy Chief of General Staff
DCSO                         -           Deputy Chief Signal Officer
DDSD                         -           Deputy Director of Staff Duties
DF                               -           Direction Finding

DR                              -           Despatch Rider

DRLS                          -           Despatch Rider Letter Service

D Sigs                         -           Director of Signals

DSO                            -           Distinguished Service Order, Duty Signal Officer

ELS                             -           Express Letter Service
FFR                             -           Frontier Force Regiment
FFW                            -           Fitted For Wireless
GCB                            -           Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Bath
GCSI                           -           Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order    
                                                of Star of India     

GHQ                           -           General Headquarters

GOC                           -           General Officer Commanding
GOC-in-C                   -           General Officer Commanding-in-Chief
GSO 1                         -           General Staff Officer, Grade 1(Lieutenant Colonel)
GSO 2                         -           General Staff Officer, Grade 2 (Major)
GSO 3                         -           General Staff Officer, Grade 3 (Captain)
HF                               -           High Frequency
HLI                             -           Highland Light Infantry

HQ                              -           Headquarters

IAF                             -           Indian Air Force
ICO                             -           Indian Commissioned Officer 
IDSM                          -           Indian Distinguished Service Medal
IEF                              -           Indian Expeditionary Force
IMA                            -           Indian Military Academy
INA                             -           Indian National Army
IOM                            -           Indian Order of Merit
IOR                             -           Indian Other Rank(s)
ISC                              -           Indian Signal Corps
JCO                             -           Junior Commissioned Officer
Km                              -           Kilometer
KW                             -           Kilowatt
KCIO                          -           King’s Commissioned Indian Officer
KCMG                        -           Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and
                                                St. George
L of C                         -           Line of Communication 
LMG                           -           Light Machine Gun
MBE                           -           Member of (the order of) the British Empire
MC                              -           Military Cross, Motor Cycle
Mc/s                            -           Megacycles per second
MEO                           -           Military Evacuation Organisation
MGO                           -           Master General of Ordinance
MM                             -           Military Medal
MMG                          -           Medium Machine Gun

MT                              -           Mechanical Transport

No                               -           Number
NCO                           -           Non Commissioned Officer
NC (E)                                    -           Non Combatant (Enrolled)
NWFP                         -           North West Frontier Province
OBE                            -           Officer of (the order of) the British Empire
OBI                             -           Order of British India            
OC                              -           Officer Commanding
OCTU                         -           Officer Cadet Training Unit
OR                              -           Other Rank(s)
OT (W)                        -           Operator Telegraph (Wireless)
OT (L)                         -           Operator Telegraph (Line)
OTS                             -           Officers’ Training School
OV                              -           Operator Visual
Pt                                 -           Point
lb                                 -           Pound (Weight)
PBF                             -           Punjab Boundary Force
PL                               -           Permanent Line                                           
POW                           -           Prisoners Of War
PRC                            -           Permanent Regular Commission
P & T                           -           Posts and Telegraphs
PWRIMC                    -           Prince of Wales Royal Indian Military College
QM                              -           Quarter Master
QMG                           -           Quarter Master General
RA                              -           Royal Artillery
RAF                            -           Royal Air Force
RAP                            -           Regimental Aid Post
RHM                           -           Regimental Havildar Major
RIAF                           -           Royal Indian Air Force
RIN                             -           Royal Indian Navy
RQMH                        -           Regimental Quarter Master Havildar
RQMS                         -           Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant 
RT                               -           Radio Telephony
RTT                             -           Radio Teleprinter Transmission
SAAT                          -           Signal Assistant Animal Transport
SDS                             -           Signal Despatch Service
SO 1                            -           Staff Officer, Grade 1 (Lieutenant Colonel)
SO 2                            -           Staff Officer, Grade 2 (Major)
SO 3                            -           Staff Officer, Grade 3 (Captain)
STRAN                       -           Static Radio Army Network
STC                             -           Signal Training Centre
STC (I)                        -           Signal Training Centre (Indian)
SWAN                        -           Static Wireless Army Network
TA                               -           Territorial Army
TEV                            -           Terminal Equipment Vehicle
TMO                           -           Technical Maintenance Officer
TRC                            -           Tape Relay Centre
TSIC                           -           Temporary School for Indian Cadets
UG                              -           Under Ground
UK                              -           United Kingdom
USA                            -           United States of America
VC                              -           Victoria Cross
VCOs                          -           Viceroy’s Commissioned Officer
VHF                            -           Very High Frequency
WAC (I)                      -           Womens Auxiliary Corps (India)
WS                              -           Wireless Set
WT                              -           Wireless Telegraphy




This Appendix lists the honours and awards earned by personnel of the Corps of Signals between 15 August 1947 and 31 December 1972. It includes personnel who were serving with non-signal units, on staff and on attachment or deputation. The list has been divided in two parts. Part I contains gallantry awards while Part II covers awards for distinguished service. Some awards for the 1971 war were given in 1972. These have been included in the list.

The lists have been prepared based on inputs from the Military’s Secretary’s Branch and Directorate General of Signals in Army HQ; Signals Records; the Corps Museum; and lists published in the Signalman. There are several discrepancies in the lists, with regard to the rank, spelling of the name and date of award, especially in the case of awards for distinguished service. An attempt has been made to correct these by referring to the unit war dairies and interaction with the concerned personnel. However, some inconsistencies could not be resolved, which the reader is requested to overlook.


Mahavir Chakra

IC-3999           Brig                 K.S. Gowrishankar                             1971

IC-993             Brig                 H.S. Kler                                             1971

Vir Chakra

IC-583             Maj                  H.S.  Bains                                          1948

6280652          Sigmn              D.C. Dhilan                                         1962

6263784          L/Hav              K.G. George                                       1965

IC-15842         Capt                P.K. Ghosh                                         1971

Ashoka Chakra Class III

IC-7833           2/Lt                 J.K. Grover                                         1957


Sena Medal

6265267          Sigmn              G.R. Das                                             1960

6273136          Sigmn              Tejwant Singh                                     1961

IC-12066         Lt                    Lal Singh                                             1962

6261901          L/Nk                Gulbadan Singh                                  1963

6237987          Hav                 Lekh Raj                                             1965

IC-7346           Maj                  B.K. Mathur                                        1966

JC-31047         Nb Sub            Karnail Singh                                      1966

6262894          Nk                   T.K. Sen                                              1966

IC-16951         2/Lt                 N.C. Gupta                                         1968

6251686          L/Nk                M.G. Ezhuthachan                              1968

IC-5999           Maj                  N. Kovoor                                           1969

6269040          Hav                 M.D Bhardwaj                                                1969

IC-1583           Lt Col              E.N. Ramadoss                                   1969
IC-10144         Lt Col              Vinay Khanna                                     1971

IC-21768         Lt Col              G.P. Singh                                           1971

IC-26510         2/Lt                 M.S.A Rasheed                                  1971

IC-23167         Lt                    Bibhishan Singh                                  1972

IC-23002         Lt                    Suresh Rajan                                       1972

JC-42031         Nb Sub            Mehtab Singh                                      1972

JC-20128         Sub                  P.J.D. Sundara            Raju                            1972
JC-32525         Sub                  Gian Singh                                          1972

JC-60205         Nb Sub            Bhagat Singh                                      1972

6265282          Hav                 K.N. Sharma                                       1972

6271672          Hav                 Bakhshish Singh                                 1972


6275350          L/Hav              K.P. Singh                                           1972

6265946          Nk                   Vithal Dass                                         1972

6875708          Nk                   Vasant Pawar                                      1972

6278578          Nk                   Gopal Singh                                        1972

6289730          Nk                   P.V. Ramanaiah                                  1972

6300166          L/Nk                Deepa Ram                                         1972

6318807          L/Nk                B.S. Sigee                                           1972

6319787          L/Nk                Mahanga Singh                                   1972

6320496          L/Nk                K. Vasavan                                         1972

6357950          L/Nk                Venu Naidu                                        1972

6321546          Sigmn              R.N.S. Patel                                        1972

6355227          L/Nk                Dharmiyan Singh                                1972

6371287          L/Nk                Virendra Kumar                                  1972

6479248          Sigmn              K.P. Pandey                                        1972


Padma Bhushan

IC-307             Lt Col              P.N. Luthra                                         1972

Param Vishisht Seva Medal

IC-2130           Maj Gen          S.N. Antia                                           1965

IC-446             Lt Gen             R.N. Batra, OBE                                1966

IC-89               Lt Gen             A.C. Iyappa, MBE                              1968

IC-414             Lt Gen             I.D. Verma                                          1970

IC-795             Lt Gen             E.G. Pettengell, MBE                         1971


Vishisht Seva Medal Class-II/Ati Vishisht Seva Medal

IC-993             Lt Col              H.S. Kler                                             1965

IC-796             Maj Gen          R.Z. Kabraji                                        1967

IC-845             Brig                 G.S. Sidhu                                          1971

IC-520             Brig                 K.K. Tewari                                        1972

IC-2925           Brig                 J.S. Nanda                                           1972

IC-1888           Brig                 S.L. Juneja                                          1972

Vishisht Seva Medal

6257952          Nk                   Chhankar Singh                                  1963

JC-29367         Sub                  N.B. Nair                                            1969

IC-2603           Lt Col              P.D. Sawhney                                                 1970

SL-212            Lt Col              Achhar Singh                                      1971

SL-11              Maj                  Sardar Singh                                      1971

SL-28              Lt Col              V.M. Anantharaman                           1972

IC-3205           Lt Col              P.R. Gangadharan                               1972

IC-10868         Lt Col              S.P. Malik                                           1972

IC-5327           Lt Col              A. Kumar                                            1972

IC-7017           Maj                  S.G. Mookerjee                                   1972

IC-10483         Maj                  J.R. Sethi                                             1972

IC-20636         Capt                S.B. Mathur                                        1972

IC-22476         Capt                P.J. Anthony                                       1972

JC-60254         Nb Sub            P.C. Awasthi                                       1972

6309693          L/Nk                Hari Chand                                         1972

IC-5394           Lt Col              P.C. Bhalla                                          1972


IC-5905           Lt Col              P.S. Talwar                                          1972

IC-4851           Lt Col              R. Mohan                                            1972

IC-5845           Lt Col              B.K. Bhandari                                     1972

IC-2301           Lt Col              R.M. Rajan                                          1972

IC-6127           Lt Col              B.P. Murgai                                         1972

IC-12435         Maj                  M.L. Dutta                                          1972

IC-7600           Lt Col              A. Verma                                            1972

SL-145            Maj                  Kartar Singh                                        1972