RIPOSTE : Operation ‘Gulmarg’- Operation
‘Rescue’ - The Battle of Shalateng – 161
Infantry Brigade Signal Section - Signals Planning at Command Heqdquarters.
WINTER OPERATIONS IN 1947-48 : Operations
in the Jammu Sector - The Loss of Jhangar - Operation ‘Kipper’ - The Battle of Naushera - Operation ‘Vijay’ - Capture of Rajauri -
Activities of Signals during the Winter Operations. THE SUMMER OFFENSIVE :
1948: Operations in the Uri Sector -
Operations of the Jammu Division (April – July 1948) - The Relief of
Punch - Signals during the Summer Offensive - 2 Airborne Divisional Signal Regiment. THE NORTHERN FRONT : The
Siege of Skardu – Loss of Kargil and
Dras – The Fall of Skardu – Operation ‘Eraze’ (Recapture of Gurais)- The Threat
to Leh – Crossing the Zoji La - Recapture
of Dras and Kargil -SRI
Divisional Signal Regiment -
Communications for the Leh Columns - Signals on the Northern Front. SIGNALS IN THE JAMMU & KASHMIR
The conflict in Jammu & Kashmir
started soon after Independence
and in a sense, never ended. Though the actual military operations lasted a
little over a year, the problem that gave birth to the conflict remains
unresolved, after more than 60 years. India and Pakistan have
fought two major wars over the issue, in addition to countless incidents of
infiltration, skirmishing and firing. The conflict has claimed thousands of lives
on both sides of the border, of soldiers as well as civilians. In spite of
several attempts to resolve the crisis, through bilateral negotiation, third
party mediation and UN intervention, the problem of Jammu & Kashmir remains
At the time of Independence and Partition, the State of
Jammu & Kashmir had not acceded to either India or Pakistan . In October 1947 Pakistan
organized a tribal invasion of the State. After the ruler agreed to accede, an
Indian battalion was inducted by air on 27 October 1947 , when the invaders were just
outside the capital Srinagar . The immediate threat to the capital was
averted on 7 November after Indian troops defeated the invaders in a decisive
battle at Shalateng, on the outskirts of Srinagar .
By 14 November, the invaders had been pushed back to Uri, on the highway
linking Srinagar
to Domel and Muzaffarabad, the two entry points to the Kashmir Valley .
Due to various reasons, the momentum of the pursuit flagged and the operations
for throwing the raiders outside the valley had to be postponed for the spring
of 1948. Meanwhile, the British officer commanding the Gilgit garrison decided
to throw in his lot with Pakistan ,
without consulting the ruler. This enabled the invaders to invest Skardu, a
strategically important town on the Indus
River , posing a threat to
the Leh and Nubra valleys.
Along with Kashmir ,
incursions also occurred at several places in the Jammu Province ,
including Bhimber, Naushera, Jhangar, Mirpur, Kotli and Rajauri. The raiders
invested the important town of Punch ,
where a garrison of the State Army was located. An attempt to relieve Punch by
a two pronged advance from Uri and Jammu met with partial success, with a
battalion reinforcing the beleaguered garrison, but the two columns failing
link up. During November 1947, Indian
troops were able to recapture Chhamb, Beripattan, Naushera and Jhangar.
However, Mirpur was occupied and sacked by the raiders, who also succeeded in
recapturing Jhangar before the year ended.
During the winter, there was a lull
in the operations in the north due to heavy snow. An attempt to reinforce
Skardu in January 1948 failed, followed by another one in March with similar
results. However, in the south, operations continued. In February Indian troops
beat back a determined attack on Naushera, following it up with the recapture
of Jhangar in March and Rajauri in April. A third attempt to reinforce Skardu
also failed, with heavy losses. With the snow melting in May 1948, operations
in the north accelerated. The enemy secured the Gurais valley, posing a threat
to the Kashmir Valley from the north. Strong enemy
columns launched simultaneous attacks and captured Pindras, Dras and Kargil,
effectively severing the line of communication to Skardu and Leh. In addition
to the Kashmir Valley , Ladakh also came under
threat. In a daring experiment on 22 May 1948 , a Dakota
landed on an improvised airfield at Leh, opening the way for establishment of
an air link. Troops were flown in and were able to ward off the threat to
In the middle of May 1948 Indian
troops launched an offensive along the Jhelum
to secure Domel and Muzaffarabad, along with a diversionary thrust along the
Kupwara - Tithwal road. The main offensive did not make headway, but the
diversionary column was able to capture Tithwal. In June the Gurais valley was
cleared of the enemy. In response to an appeal by the United Nations, where India had
lodged a complaint earlier, on 6 July the Government of India decided to
suspend offensive operations. However, operations for the link up with Leh and
the relief of Punch were permitted to continue. In November Indian troops
captured Zoji La using light tanks that took the enemy by surprise. This was
followed by the capture of Dras and Kargil, culminating in a link up with
forces from Leh on 23
November 1948 . In the south, a strong force of two brigades linked
up with Punch on 20 November. On 1
January 1949 a UN sponsored cease fire came into effect and all
operations in Jammu & Kashmir ceased.
With an area of almost 85,000 square
miles, Jammu & Kashmir was the largest princely state in India before Independence . However, it
was one the most sparsely populated with only four million inhabitants, almost
eighty percent of whom were Muslims. Kashmir
had become part of the Sikh kingdom after the defeat of the Afghan governor by
Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who had annexed Jammu
three years earlier. In 1822 Ranjit Singh appointed Gulab Singh, the most
prominent of the feudatory chiefs of the Duggar region, as the Raja of
Jammu. Between 1834 and 1840 Wazir
Zorawar Singh, the Dogra general in the employment of Gulab Singh, mounted four
expeditions into Ladakh, which was annexed to the Khalsa kingdom of Lahore
in 1840. Subsequently, Baltistan, Gilgit, Chilas and Chitral were also brought
under control.
After the defeat of the Sikhs in the
battles of Mudki, Feroze Shah and Sobraon in 1845-46, they were forced to cede
to the British large tracts of territory and were asked to pay a sum of one and
a half crore rupees as indemnity. Being unable to pay the full amount, the
Khalsa Durbar ceded the hill areas between the Beas
and Indus , in addition to the provinces of
Hazara and Kashmir . Not wishing to administer
the far flung territories, the British transferred them to Gulab Singh for a
sum of seventy-five lakh rupees, through the Treaty of Amritsar on 16 March 1846 . Gulab Singh
was recognized as the Maharjah of Jammu and Kashmir .
This marked the beginning of the Dogra rule in Kashmir .
At the time of Independence ,
the State of Jammu & Kashmir was ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh, a descendant
of Gulab Singh.
The British decision to grant
independence to India
was formally announced in His Majesty’s Government’s Declaration of 3 June 1947 , which clarified
the position of the Indian States after the transfer of power on 15 August 1947 , when the
paramountcy of the British Crown would end. The Indian States were free to
decide whether they would accede to one or the other of the two dominions. Almost
all the states exercised their option, and signed instruments of accession as
well as standstill agreements before 14 August 1947 . The two prominent exceptions were Kashmir and Hyderabad ,
along with the three small principalities of Junagadh, Mangrol and Manavdar in Kathiawar . On 12 August 1947 the State of Jammu & Kashmir announced
its intention of negotiating standstill agreements with both India and Pakistan . However, it signed a Standstill Agreement
only with Pakistan
and did not enter with any agreement with India , until its accession on 26 October 1947 . The post
and telegraph facilities of the State were placed under the control of the
Pakistan Government, which promised to continue the existing arrangements for
the supply of wheat, cloth, ammunition, kerosene oil and petrol. 1
The object of the Standstill
Agreement was to continue the economic and administrative relations between the
two states on the same basis as had existed before Partition. However, the
relations between them soon deteriorated.
In an effort to coerce Jammu & Kashmir to join her, Pakistan cut
off supplies of food, petrol and other essential commodities and stopped the
free movement of people between Kashmir and Pakistan . Economic pressure was thus applied
simultaneously with military pressure in the form of border raids. Conditions
in the State worsened after the communal disturbances which broke out in the Punjab after the announcement of the partition
boundary. There was a large influx of
refugees into the Jammu
region, which began to be used as a corridor for the passage of Muslim refugees
moving from East Punjab to West
Punjab and for non-Muslims moving in the opposite direction.
On 29 August, 1947 Maharaja Hari Singh received a
telegram from one Raja Yaqub Khan on behalf of the public of Hazara, alleging attacks
on Muslims in Punch. Throughout the month of September, reports of infiltration
into the State territory from the border districts of Pakistan
continued to be received. On 3
September 1947 , a band of raiders, several hundred strong, attacked
the village of Kotha, 27 km south-east of Jammu .
When chased by troops of the State Army, they escaped into Pakistan . On 4
September Major General Scott, GOC Jammu & Kashmir State Forces reported
that several hundred armed Sattis
from Kahuta and Murree (both in
Pakistan) had entered the State after crossing the Jhelum river in area Panjar
and seven miles north and south of the Owen Ferry and were indulging in loot
and murder. Similar incidents occurred near Ranbirsinghpura on 17 September and
Samba on 22 September, the raiders retreating into Pakistan after exchanging fire with
the State troops and armed police. Telegrams reporting these incursions were
contested by the Pakistan
authorities, which blamed the State Army troops for committing atrocities
against the Muslims in an attempt to put down the freedom movement in the
Incursions of a similar nature were
observed in Mirpur. Fort Owen
was besieged by four to five thousand raiders and had to be evacuated by State
troops on 15 October. On 18 October,
the Kotli-Punch road was breached and heavy fighting took place. From Bhimbhar, large scale offensive
preparation was observed across the border in Pakistan , including movement of
lorries. On 20 October, the Wazir of Mirpur sent a message that armed men were
gathering opposite Chechiam and Mangla.
Two days later, he reported that raids on Owen were being methodically
carried out. On the 23 October, heavy
fighting was reported from Kotli which had by now been completely cut off from Punch
by road blocks put up by the raiders. Meanwhile, telegrams being exchanged
between the Prime Ministers of Jammu
and Kashmir and Pakistan grew more strident, with
veiled threats and warnings.
24 October, 1947 ,
the Government of India received the first request for military aid from the
Government of the Jammu & Kashmir
State . This was also the
date on which information of the capture of Muzaffarabad was received by the
C-in-C in India .
No plans for sending troops to Kashmir had up
to that time been considered by the Indian Army. Though some inputs about the
invasion of Jammu & Kashmir had been received, these were ignored. Major
(later Lieutenant General) Onkar Singh Kalkat was then serving as the brigade
major of the Bannu Frontier Brigade under Brigadier C.P. Murray. A personal/top
secret envelope for Brigadier Murray arrived on 20 August 1947 . Since the brigade commander was
away at Mirali post, Major Kalkat opened the envelope, which contained a letter
from the C-in-C Pakistan Army, giving out the detailed plans for Operation ‘Gulmarg’,
the code name for the invasion of Jammu & Kashmir. Kalkat immediately
telephoned Brigadier Murray, who advised him not to breathe a word of it to
anyone, if he wanted to leave Pakistan
alive. However, the Pakistanis got to know about this, and put Kalkat under
virtual house arrest. But he made a daring escape and reached Ambala on 18 October 1947 . The
following day he reached Delhi
and revealed all that he knew to Brigadier Kalwant Singh, the CGS; Colonel P.N.
Thapar, the acting DMO and Sardar Baldev Singh, the Defence Minister. Apparently, Kalkat’s warnings were not taken
seriously. On 22 October when Operation ‘Gulmarg’ started, the authorities
began hunting for Kalkat, who had left for East Punjab
to look for his family that had migrated from Mianwali. Kalkat was finally
traced on 24 October and brought before Prime Minister Nehru, who berated the
Defence Minister and the DMO for not taking his revelations seriously.2
Operation ‘Gulmarg’
for the invasion of Jammu & Kashmir, code named Operation ‘Gulmarg’ had
begun in Pakistan
soon after Partition. When efforts to persuade Maharaja Hari Singh to accede to
failed, coercion was tried, by starving the State of essential commodities and
creating disorder. The aim of the incursions and riots was to disperse the
State Forces into penny packets and subvert the Muslim elements. When these
measures did not bear fruit, Operation ‘Gulmarg’ was launched. The operation
was to be conducted by irregular troops comprising Pathan tribesmen from the
area known as the North West Frontier during British rule. The political
direction of the operation was under Liaquat Ali Khan, the Prime Minister, in
consultation with Sirdar Shaukat Hayat Khan, a leading political figure of Punjab . The military aspects were coordinated by Major
Khurshid Anwar, who had been a commander in the militia of the Muslim League.
According to the plan, which Major Kalkat had seen, each tribe was to provide
one lashkar (force) of 1000 men. The
motivating force for the tribesmen was religion, along with the prospect of
plunder, in which they were promised a free hand. The lashkars were to concentrate at Bannu, Wana, Peshawar , Kohat, Thal and Naushera in early
September 1947, where they would be issued with arms, ammunition and other
essential items. Each lashkar would
have two regular army officers – a major and a captain -and ten JCOs. The major
would be in actual command, though he was designated as an adviser to the tribal
Malik who was officially in command. The entire force was commanded by Major
General Akbar Khan, who was given the code name Tariq.
The broad outline of the plan for the
invasion was for six lashkars to
advance on the main axis Muzaffarabad-Domel-Uri-Baramulla-Srinagar, with the
task of capturing the aerodrome and then advancing to the Banihal Pass.
Two lashkars were to advance from Hajipir
Pass to Gulmarg, to
secure the right flank of the main force. Protection of the left flank was to
be provided by a similar force of two lashkars
advancing along the axis Tithwal-Nastachun Pass- Sopore -Handwara- Bandipur.
Another large force of ten lashkars
was to operate in the south, tasked with the capture of Punch, Rajauri and Jammu . D Day for the
operation was fixed as 22
October 1947 when the lashkars
would cross into the territory
of Jammu and Kashmir . To
back up the lashkars, 7 Infantry
Division of the Pakistan Army was to concentrate in the area Murree-Abbottabad
by 21 October. An infantry brigade was also held in readiness at Sialkot to back up the
forces heading for Jammu .
invasion began in the early hours of the morning of 22 October 1947 when the main column
of raiders crossed the border and attacked Muzaffarabad. The Domel front was
held by 4 Jammu & Kashmir Rifles, a State Force battalion that had a mixed
composition of Dogras and Punchie Muslims. The Muslim troops holding the border
posts at Lohar Gali and Ramkot deserted and joined the raiders, giving them a
free run and valuable information of the pickets held by the Dogras,
particularly the MMG Section located on a high ground north of the city. The
Dogras fought gallantly but were overwhelmed by sheer numbers, almost all being
shot or put to the sword. After sacking Muzaffarabad, the raiders quickly
crossed the bridge and attacked Domel, which lay on the other side of the
river. Once again, the Muslim troops joined the raiders. The Dogras of the battalion
headquarters and the mortar platoon fought throughout the day, but could not
stem the onslaught, almost all of them laying down their lives, except for a
handful who escaped to the hills.
Colonel Narain Singh, CO 4 Jammu & Kashmir Rifles, had managed to inform Srinagar about the
invasion shortly before Domel fell to the attackers in the afternoon of 22
October. The reserve battalion of the 4 Kashmir Brigade having already been
sent as reinforcement to Punch, there were hardly any troops left in Srinagar . Collecting
about 150 men from various administrative and training establishments,
Brigadier Rajendra Singh, the officiating Chief of Staff of the State Army set
off for Domel at about 1830 hours, reaching Uri at midnight . Next morning, a force of two platoons under
Captain Prithi Singh advancing from Uri to Garhi met a few soldiers of 4 Jammu &
Kashmir Rifles who informed them of the fall of Domel. By this time the road
was choked with refugees fleeing towards Baramulla to escape the murderous
hordes following close behind. Captain Prithi Singh’s small column was soon
attacked at Garhi and fell back to Uri, where Brigadier Rajendra Singh had
organized a defended position. Early next morning another small force
comprising an infantry platoon, a mortar detachment and an MMG section was sent
from Srinagar
to reinforce the troops at Uri.
contacting Uri on 24 October the raiders launched several attacks, but the
defenders were able to repulse them. After fighting for several hours, the
defenders fell back on Mahura during the night of 24/25 October. The attackers
gave them no respite, carrying out repeated attacks on the beleaguered garrison
throughout the next two days. However, the defenders held on tenaciously, until
they ran out of ammunition. On the night of 26/27 October, Brigadier Rajendra
Singh decided to withdraw to Baramulla. However, the raiders had set up several
road blocks, which had to be cleared after a stiff fight. Finally they
encountered a particularly strong road block that was covered by intense enemy
fire. During the ensuing battle almost all the men were killed, including their
gallant commander Brigadier Rajendra Singh, who was later awarded the Maha Vir
Chakra. As subsequent events were to prove, the delay of four days that
Brigadier Rajendra Singh and his troops had imposed on the advancing lashkars saved Kashmir .
At nightfall on 26 October 1947 , the raiders entered
Baramula, a prosperous town with a large population of Hindus and Sikhs. For
the next few days, the tribesmen indulged in an orgy of murder, rape and loot
that has few parallels. Homes and shops were systematically plundered before
being set aflame. The men were killed and the women raped, with the younger
ones being carried off as war booty. The Convent and Mission
hospital were not spared, with the Mother Superior and several nuns being
killed, along with some patients. Lieutenant Colonel Tom Dykes, then acting
Commandant of the Sikh Regimental Centre, who was on leave to be with his wife
during her confinement, was also killed. Carrying sacks full of loot and young
girls that they had abducted, most of the raiders started back for Pakistan . Their
leaders tried to impress on them the need to advance to Srinagar without wasting time, but the
Pathans were in no mood to listen. For them, the security of the plundered
wealth and the abducted girls were more important than the ‘holy war’ that they
were fighting to free their oppressed brethren from the rule of the infidel
Dogra Maharaja. Most went back to their villages, promising to return after
depositing the looted treasure. Many of
the abducted girls were sold in Rawalpindi
and Peshawar ,
others taken to tribal villages, while some were left in a concentration camp
at Alibeg in Kashmir
State territory being run
by the ‘Azad Kashmir Government’. Alibeg was reported to have held over a
thousand Kashmiri women of all religions of which only a couple of hundred
Operation ‘Rescue’
Faced with the grave threat to his
State, the Maharaja of Kashmir approached the Government of India for
assistance on 25 October
1947 . The Maharaja’s request
was considered by the Defence Committee chaired by Lord Mountbatten. It was
decided that military assistance would be extended only after the Maharaja had
signed the Instrument of Accession. On 26 October V.P. Menon flew to Srinagar to obtain the
signature of the Maharaja. He was accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel (later
Field Marshal) S.H.F.J. Manekshaw, then a staff officer in the Military
Operations Directorate at Army HQ, who had been sent to assess the military
situation. They returned the same night, after obtaining the signature of
Maharaja Hari Singh on the Instrument of Accession. According to some accounts,
the Maharaja had left for Jammu
on 25 October with his family, and the Instrument of Accession was signed at Jammu . This is at variance with the account given by
Sam Manekshaw. In the preface to Major General K.S. Bajwa’s book, Jammu and
Kashmir War (1947-48) – Political and Military Perspective, Sam Manekshaw
writes: “It was
on the night of 26 October that the Maharaja acceded to India, and V.P. Menon
and I flew back to Delhi that very night, with Sheikh Abdullah, Bakshi Gulam
Mohd, DP Dhar and other lighting up the air strip with pine torches”.4
Army had been warned to be ready to go to Kashmir
as soon as the request for military assistance had been received from Maharaja
Hari Singh. However, no troops had been earmarked for this assignment. It was
only after the formal accession of the State on 26 October that orders were
issued to the troops. Major (later Lieutenant General) S.K. Sinha was then a
staff officer in HQ Delhi & East Punjab Command. He mentions that he was
attending a party in the Delhi Gymkhana Club at about 2200 hours on 26 October
when he was summoned to an urgent conference at his headquarters. The Army
Commander, Lieutenant General Dudley Russel, informed them that Jammu & Kashmir
had acceded to India
and sought military assistance to stop the raiders who had invaded the State.
It had been decided that a battalion would fly to Srinagar early next morning and a brigade group
move by road to Jammu .
Being deployed on internal security duties in Gurgaon, close to Delhi , 1 Sikh was
selected for Srinagar
and 50 Parachute Brigade earmarked for Jammu .
An emergency signal was sent to the 1 Sikh before the meeting broke off ordering
the unit less two companies to concentrate at Palam airfield by 0400 hours next
morning and be prepared to fly on an operational mission. The rest of the
battalion would join them next day. The battalion was told that operation
instructions would be handed over at the airfield, along with ammunition,
rations and warm clothing.5
instructions given to Lieutenant Colonel Dewan Ranjit Rai, CO 1 Sikh, at the
airfield next morning were brief and succinct, primarily due to lack of precise
intelligence about the situation in Kashmir .
His first task was to secure Srinagar
airport and the civil aviation wireless station. Having done this, he was to
drive the tribesmen away from Srinagar
and aid the local government in maintaining law and order in the city. He was
asked to land at Srinagar
airfield only if he received clearance from the airport on wireless or by hand
signals; in the absence of both, he was to circle the airfield and scan the
countryside to confirm the presence of raiders. In case he found that they had
occupied the airfield, he was to fly back and land at Jammu .
first flight comprising nine Dakotas, six from private airlines and three from
the RIAF, took off at 5 am, carrying the tactical headquarters and one company
of 1 Sikh and one composite battery of 13 Field Regiment. They landed at Srinagar at about 0830
hours. Fortunately, the raiders had still not reached Srinagar . However, the situation was
extremely critical. All that lay between the raiders and Srinagar were two platoons of State troops
who were dug in about 5 km east of Baramula. Colonel Ranjit Rai appreciated
that the State troops would not be able to stop the raiders, unless reinforced.
He decided to send forward his sole company for this task, informing Delhi of his plan. Later
in the afternoon, Rai sent another message confirming the fall of Baramula. He
stressed that the raiders were likely to reach Srinagar soon and unless 1 Sikh was built up
to full strength by the afternoon of 28 October, he was not confident of being
able to save Srinagar .
Shortly afterwards, Brigadier Hira Lal Atal, who had accompanied 1 Sikh as liaison
officer with the State Government, reported that the civil administration had
ceased to exist, refugees were thronging the airport and at least one brigade
was required for the defence of the Valley. In reply to his messages, Ranjit
Rai was informed that the Air Force would be carrying out air strafing next
day. Also, a brigade headquarters and an infantry battalion would be flown to Srinagar on 29-30 October,
followed by another battalion very soon.
By the
end of the day on 27 October, 1 Sikh had been built up almost to a battalion in
strength. Early next morning, Ranjit Rai
went forward with the rest of his battalion, with the intention of intercepting
the raiders and preventing their advance into the Valley. Debussing his unit about two km short of
Baramula, he deployed his troops in a defensive position on the hills. Then, he
proceeded towards the town with a small escort. When they were about half way
down the road, the party came under fire from a medium machine gun located on a
hill to the south of the town and had to beat a hasty retreat. Ranjit Rai’s
jeep got stuck and he started walking back, accompanied by some of his men who
were wounded. Just then he was struck in the face by a burst of automatic fire
and killed, along with the platoon commander who was by his side.
The loss of their CO at this critical
juncture was a severe blow to the battalion, which embussed and made its way
back to Srinagar .
(Lieutenant Colonel Ranjit Rai was later posthumously awarded the Maha Vir
Chakra). Major Sampuran Bachan Singh, the Second-in-Command, promptly took over
command and led the battalion back to Pattan, half way down the road to
Baramula. The battalion debussed and occupied a defensive position at Pattan,
which was the only piece of hilly terrain between Srinagar and Baramula. On 29 October the
tactical headquarters of 161 Infantry Brigade was opened at the Srinagar airfield. Two
companies if 1 Kumaon (Para ) were flown in,
bringing the strength of Indian troops to about 950. During the day two
attempts to dislodge the Sikhs from their defensive position at Pattan were
beaten back, with valuable air support from the Air Force, whose Tempests
operating from Ambala caused heavy casualties and demoralization among the
raiders, who withdrew in disarray. The same day, Brigadier J.C. Katoch arrived
to take over command of 161 Infantry Brigade. Accompanying him on the flight
from Delhi was Colonel L.P. Sen, the Deputy Director Military Intelligence at
Army HQ, who was going to Srinagar to get a first hand account of the situation
in order brief the Director of Military Operations, Brigadier P.N. Thapar. As
he flew back to Delhi in the evening, ‘Bogey’ Sen had no inkling that he would
soon going again to Srinagar, this time on a one way ticket.
On 30
October the main headquarters of 161 Infantry Brigade arrived and Brigadier
Katoch assumed command. There were no major engagements during the day and the
induction of additional troops continued. On 31 October, Brigadier Katoch was
slightly wounded in the leg by a stray bullet while visiting the position of 1
Sikh and had to be evacuated. Colonel Harbaksh Singh arrived next morning and
assumed temporary charge. By this time 161 Infantry Brigade had been built up
to its full strength of about 2000 men. It now had three infantry battalions (1
Sikh, 1 Kumaon, elements of 4 Kumaon and 1 Mahar); one artillery battery (ex 13
Field Regiment); one field ambulance and other administrative elements. On 2
November Brigadier L.P. Sen arrived and took over command of 161 Infantry
Brigade from Colonel Harbaksh Singh, who became his deputy.
On 3 November a large contingent of
raiders attempting to capture the airfield at Srinagar encountered a company of 4 Kumaon
that was reconnoitering the surrounding area.
There was a fierce battle near Badgam in which 15 Indian soldiers were
killed, including Major Som Nath Sharma, who was awarded the first Param Vir
Chakra of the operations. He was the first recipient of the highest gallantry
award that had been instituted by India after independence. A company
of 1 Kumaon sent as reinforcement and strafing from the air stopped the
raiders, who suffered several hundred casualties. On the same day, news was
received of the fall of Gilgit, which joined Pakistan , thanks to the treachery
of two British officers who incited the Muslim troops of the Gilgit Scouts and
6 Jammu & Kashmir Infantry to mutiny and stage a coup, removing the
recently appointed Governor, Brigadier Ghansar Singh. The next day the Deputy Prime Minister,
Sardar Patel and the Defence Minister, Sardar Baldev Singh visited Srinagar . They realised
that the operations in Kashmir were not a
minor incursion but a planned invasion by well armed warriors. It became clear
that the operations would not succeed without significant reinforcement of men
and material. One 4 November the Defence Committee of the Cabinet issued
directions to Major General Kalwant Singh, Commander of the newly created JAK
Division, to recapture Baramula by 15 November even if the Indian Army had to
lose 500 men in the action.
The Battle of Shalateng
L.P. Sen had already begun preparations to clear the Valley of the raiders. To
lure them to the area where he chose to give battle, he withdrew 1 Sikh from
Pattan to a point about 8 km from Srinagar
on the road to Baramula, in spite of violent protests from the battalion
commander and the displeasure of the divisional commander. By the evening on 6
November most of the troops were in position.
Two companies of 1 Sikh, one company of 1 Kumaon and a troop of armoured
cars of 7 Cavalry were holding Shalateng. The remaining elements of 1 Sikh, 4
Kumaon and B Squadron 7 Cavalry along with the brigade headquarters were
located near the airfield, south of Srinagar .
On 7 November, a column of two armoured cars and the Rifle Troop of 7 Cavalry
under Lieutenant Noel David were sent towards Bandipura via Gandarbal on a
reconnaissance mission to confirm the presence of raider in that area. Soon
after this, information was received of large numbers of tribesmen
concentrating at Shalateng. An air reconnaissance mission confirmed the
presence of thousands of raiders and several hundred lorries parked nearby, to
carry away the loot that would fall into their hands once Srinagar fell.
The firing by the raiders on
positions of 1 Sikh intensified. It was now clear that they were planning to
launch a major attack. Brigadier Sen ordered Lieutenant David to turn left at
Krahom and head for Sumbhal, from where his column was to move towards
Shalateng, so that they were positioned in the enemy’s rear. At the same time,
1 Kumaon was asked to move by stealth to the left flank. As soon as the
armoured cars and 1 Kumaon were in position, Brigadier Sen ordered the two
battalions and the armoured cars to open fire. Faced with murderous fire from
three directions, tribesmen, comprising, Mahsuds, Wazirs, Afridis, Mohmands and
defectors from 4 Jammu & Kashmir Infantry broke and started running wildly
in all directions. As they fled, the infantry attacked, supported by fire from
the armoured cars and strafing from the air. In less than twenty minutes, the
battle of Shalateng had been won. The bodies of 472 tribesmen were counted at
Shalateng, and another 146 on the road to Baramula. They also left behind 138
buses and trucks that had brought them to the Valley.6
With the raiders on the run,
Brigadier Sen decided to press on, with the intention of attacking Baramula
next morning. The tribesmen were pursued in their flight towards Pattan, which
was occupied by 1 Sikh at 2000 hours that night, with the rest of the brigade
arriving shortly afterwards, mopping up remnants of opposition on the way.
After a short halt, the advance commenced at midnight . Halting the column about a mile and a half
outside the town, Brigadier Sen ordered 1 Kumaon to secure the hill features to
the south. Once this had been done, 1 Sikh and the armoured cars were to enter the
town. In the event, 1 Kumaon occupied the hills without encountering any
opposition and was ordered to move to the town along with 1 Sikh and the
armoured cars. By 1530 hours on 8
November, Baramula had been taken, without firing a shot. The Vale of Kashmir,
whose fate had hung by a slender thread, had been saved.
Further advance was temporarily held
up due to bridges destroyed by the retreating tribesmen. The brief respite at
Baramula was utilized to carry out a quick reorganization of the brigade.
Leaving 6 Rajputana Rifles to defend the airfield and 4 Kumaon at Srinagar , 2 Dogra was
moved to Baramula. Another battalion, 1 Punjab
joined the brigade at Baramula along with a troop of artillery. The advance was resumed on 10 November and
after overcoming opposition at a broken bridge en route, reached Rampur in the afternoon.
Another demolished bridge at Milestone 79, held up the advance for more than a
day by determined resistance from the enemy entrenched on the opposite side. On
12 November 1 Sikh captured Mahura, where raiders had destroyed the power house
that supplied electricity to the entire valley. Next morning a fighting patrol
of 1 Sikh sent to Uri reported that it was clear of enemy. The whole battalion
then proceeded to Uri and occupied the town. The same day, 1 Punjab
moved out of the Brigade, its defences at Baramula being taken over by 1
161 Infantry Brigade
Signal Section
first element of Signals to be committed in the Jammu & Kashmir operations
was 161 Infantry Brigade Signal Section, which was moved to Srinagar along with HQ 161 Infantry Brigade
soon after the fly-in of 1 Sikh. The brigade signal section remained
responsible for all signal communications in the Valley until the arrival of HQ
JAK Division on 5 November, which did not have an integral signal regiment, its
communication needs being met by detachments of 1 Armoured Divisional Signal
Regiment, which became JAK Divisional Signals. The story of 161 Infantry
Brigade Signal Section is best told in the words of the Officer Commanding,
Captain Piara Singh. In a report entitled ‘Kashmir Operations - 161 Infantry Brigade Signal Section
(October 1947 – August 1948),’ he
The advance party of 161 Infantry Brigade
Signal Section along with HQ 161 Infantry Brigade landed at Srinagar at 0915 hrs on 29 October 1947 . On 28 October 1947 the Section was located at Hissar. The notice for the move was very short
indeed. Brigade HQ was established at Srinagar aerodrome. The existing communications were a civil
aviation wireless Set working to Delhi, a 19 Set control station working to
companies of 1 SIKHS, the only Indian troops there in Kashmir, a telephone line
to Srinagar civil exchange. We made the
best use of whatever equipment our advance party had taken. The rest of the Section did not arrive till 1 November 1947 because
Signals were not allotted any priority.
By now Brigade HQ had been established in a house about half a mile away
from the aerodrome. A 399 Set along with
PE-95 and a Cipher detachment had also been flown in. On 1 November we established CW and RT
communication with Delhi . Since wireless could be the only means of
communication with the battalions and companies which were out protecting
Srinagar city, all available W/T detachments were out on 2 November 1947. But demands were more than that. However, with the active support of the
Infantry battalions on 3
November 1947 we had as many as eleven out stations on the Brigade
group. Two control stations had to be
established. P&T lines were put in
working order and we provided line communications to some of the
battalions. At this stage the transport
shortage was felt very badly. We had
nothing except one motor cycle of our own.
The scale of transport was one civilian bus per Infantry battalion. This was used for carrying rations/ammunition
and often the Signal detachment. Very
soon we were on the offensive. HQ
J&K Division had been formed. All
existing communications at HQ 161 Infantry Brigade were taken over by
Divisional HQ. On 8 November 1947 when Baramula was
captured, HQ 161 Infantry Brigade had only a detachment of 3 men with it. On 12 November HQ J&K Division moved into
the Srinagar
Residency. We had done all the wiring
for the various offices. But the next
day Main HQ J&K Division moved to Jammu . On 14 November 1947 we joined our Rear Brigade HQ at
Baramula. We had to leave a big
detachment at Srinagar
to man Rear Divisional communications. Tactical Brigade HQ was near Uri. On 17 November we concentrated at Uri and
established our rear links with HQ J&K Division at Jammu 7
Planning at Command Headquarters
Partition on 15 August 1947 ,
HQ Eastern and Southern Commands remained in India while HQ Northern Command
went to Pakistan .
The need of a third command headquarters in India was not felt, and it was decided
that the areas that were part of the pre-1947 Northern Command would be divided
between Southern and Eastern Commands and the Delhi (Independent) Area.
However, events following Partition soon brought out the necessity for a
third command, leading to the creation of the Delhi & East Punjab (DEP)
Command on 15 September 1947, which was initially sanctioned for a period of
three months, but subsequently extended for a year on 1 November 1947, the day
the HQ JAK Force came into being. The first task of the DEP Command was to deal
with the wide spread internal disturbances in the wake of Partition, and the
evacuation of refugees between the countries. Later, after the invasion by
Pathan tribesmen and the induction of Indian troops in Kashmir, from 26 October
1947 , DEP Command became responsible for the defence of the State of Jammu
& Kashmir, the expulsion of raiders and the restoration of law and order in
that State.
At its
inception the Signals Branch of DEP Command comprised only one SO 2 (Signals),
Major G. H. Simoes, who manned the ‘fort’ alone for more than two months, until
additional officers began to arrive after sanction of a proper authorisation
consequent to the extension of the establishment on 1 November 1947 . Major Harchand Singh, the SO
2 (Ciphers) joined on 25 November 1947, to be followed a few days later by
Captain C.B. Bradford, M.C., who took over as SO3 (Equipment). The CSO,
Brigadier B.S. Bhagat, joined on 15 December 1947 , being followed shortly by Captain J.
Mayadas. In the beginning, DEP Command was formed from staff provided by HQ 5
Infantry Division and handled purely operational matters, administration being
looked after by the parent division in Ranchi
and Army HQ (India ). Communications in the command were provided
in the same manner by detachments of 5 Divisional Signal Regiment under
Lieutenant Colonel A.C. Iyappa, M.B.E., assisted by Captain G. S. Sidhu,
Lieutenant Hazara Singh, Lieutenant Gurdial Singh and Subedar Ghouse Mohiuddin.
first Signal Instruction was issued on 31 October 1947 - the number 1 was later
crossed out and replaced by 2, giving rise to the conclusion that there was an
earlier Signal Instruction, perhaps not dealing with the Jammu & Kashmir
operations, whose details are not traceable - by Major G. H. Simoes, who signed
‘for’ the GOC-in-C, there being no CSO posted at that time. The Signal
Instruction is significant, in many ways. It is perhaps the first operational
Signal Instruction issued after Independence .
It is also probably one of the shortest – just two pages – ever issued by a command
headquarters. The Signal Instruction is reproduced below, along with the
Appendix (Wireless Diagram).8
NO. 17
No. 2001/Camp Ext. 42. No.
D and EP Command
developments in KASHMIR
STATE have necessitated
the provision of Army Comns to the State.
as detailed below will be established between DELHI, SRINAGAR and JAMMU, by
dets being moved in by Air/Road.
WIRELESS (See Appx ‘A’)
On arrival of dets at SRINAGAR
and JAMMU , out
stations will be opened on the following existing links :-
(i) RT H 32 (Existing
(ii) CW H 36 (Existing

9220 -do-

(ii) H 36
CW 2575 Kc/s
(Army HQ) - JGJG
EP Area) - JGXP
(HQ 161 Bde) - JGMC
(iv) Kashmir State
Forces (In Srinagar ) - JGFI
(For infm only)
(HQ 50 Para Bde) - JGFH.
(vi) Kashmir State
Forces (in Jammu ) - JGFH
(For infm only)
(d) As soon as communications are established between SRINAGAR and DELHI , and JAMMU and DELHI , on H 32 and H 36
links, the JULLUNDUR
terminal will remain on 24 hour listening watch. If SRINAGAR , JAMMU or DELHI terminals experience difficulty in
clearing traffic, JULLUNDUR
terminal will act as relay station.
No line
communications exist to KASHMIR
STATE but the route from AMRITSAR to BATALA is
being extended via GURDASPUR to link up with the skeleton line-lay out in the
have been made with the civil Aviation Dept Govt of India , to utilize their existing DELHI –SRINAGAR – JAMMU wireless links. In the event of a breakdown of the H 36 link,
traffic between these terminals can be passed on this Civil aviation link. Clearance of traffic to and from the DELHI terminal on WILLINGDON Airport , has been arranged in
conjunction with GHQ Signal Office.
Arrangements are being made to run a
regular ADS between DELHI
soon as road PATHANKOT – JAMMU
is open for through traffic, C. Sigs, EP Area will arrange to run SDS,
linking with ADS, DELHI
A cipher det is already located at SRINAGAR . A det is being flown into JAMMU .
to the physical and technical limitations of these dets, it must be ensured
that classified traffic is kept down to an absolute minimum.
7. Acknowledge.
Sd/- xxx
xxx xxx
Delhi & East Punjab Comd.
Distribution :-
HQ Delhi & East Punjab
Area Copy No. 1
HQ Delhi Area. ,,
HQ 161 Bde ,,
HQ 50 Para Bde ,,
SO-In-C Army HQ, India ,,
C. Sigs, East
Punjab Area
6 & 7
O.C, Northern
India Sig Regt ,,
& 9
O.C, GHQ (I) Sig Regt ,,
10 & 11
O.C, D and EP Comd
Sigs ,,
12 & 13
OC, 161 Bde Signal Section ,, 14
Director of Civil Aviation
(for attention Mr.Wright) ,, 15
O.C, 50 Pare Bde Signal
Section ,,
CSO, Southern Command, POONA ,, 17
CSO, Eastern Command RANCHI ,,
DMO & I Army HQ India. ,,
DSD & WE, Army HQ
India ,, 21
CGS, GHQ ,, 22
File ,,
Spare ,,
24 to 36

after issue of the above Signal Instruction, it was decided that the tactical headquarters
of DEP Command will move in the command train on 7 November, halting at
Pathankot, Amritsar ,
Jullundur and
Ambala. This necessitated the issue of another Signal Instruction on 4 November 1947 . In
addition to the two wireless nets connecting Delhi to Jullundur , Jammu and Srinagar , a third net was added, to cater for
exclusive communication between the Main and
Tactical HQ DEP Command. The command train had a signal office with a telephone
exchange, from which telephone connections were given to each saloon. During
halts, the command exchange was provided a connection from the nearest military
or civil exchange. Facilities were provided for clearance of message traffic
and Signal Despatch Service. A cipher
detachment travelled with the command train, equipped with all grades of Ciphers
and Typex for use on telegraph circuits.
On 7 November 1947 a daily Air
Despatch Service (ADS) was established between Delhi and Srinagar . The aircraft left Delhi in the morning and returned in the
evening, with halts at Jullundur
and Jammu . This resulted in considerable reduction in
the load of signal and cipher offices, since important traffic, including
operational and situation reports could be sent by air, reaching the same day.
If the ADS could not function due to adverse weather and flying conditions in Kashmir , the Signal Despatch Service (SDS) was operated
by road between Srinagar-Jammu-Pathankot-Amritsar, where it was linked to the
air or train service to Delhi .
By mid November, the Signals Order of Battle of JAK Division was as under:-
Detachment 1 Armoured Divisional Signal Regiment(Jammu )
161 Brigade Signal Section (Srinagar )
50 Para Brigade Signal Section (Jhangar)
268 Brigade Signal Section (Jammu )
At this time, many
ad hoc organisations had been raised which were being provided communication
support by signal units of field formations, leading to confusion. On 27 November 1947 , Army HQ issued instructions
that laid down new forms of address in respect of certain units that specified
their operational role. These were as
1 Armoured Divisional Signal
Regiment (JAK Divisional Signals)
2 Airborne Divisional Signals
(MEO Signals)
4 Divisional Signal Regiment (East Punjab Area Signals)
7 Brigade Signals (Kathiawar Defence Force Signals).
By this time, the wireless communications had
stabilized and were as shown below:-

Operations in
the Jammu
Hostile elements from across the
border had begun raids in the Jammu
Province in early
September 1947. By early October they had seized considerable territory close
to the border threatening the State Force garrisons manning the borders. The
three State Force brigades in the region were deployed at Mirpur, Jammu and Punch. The
headquarters of the Mirpur Brigade was at Jhangar, with a battalion at Kotli,
two companies at Naushera, and a company at Mirpur. The headquarters of the
Punch Brigade was at Punch, with a battalion each at Hajira and Rawalkot, and
two companies at Bagh. The Jammu Brigade had only one battalion, located alongside
the headquarters at Jammu .
These troops had no artillery, and the battalion had 400 men, while the company
had 100. By the beginning of November, Pakistani raiders had invaded the sector
in strength. Mirpur had been encircled, Jhangar was besieged, and Kotli was
threatened. On 7 November, the raiders captured Rajauri, and 30,000 Hindus and
Sikhs were killed, wounded or abducted. At Chingas, more than 1,500 refugees
were slaughtered. There were fervent appeals from the Military Adviser, Jammu and Kashmir , to
the Defence Minister, and from Mehr Chand Mahajan, the State's Premier, to Prime
Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru, to relieve Kotli and Mirpur and save the lives of
the State troops as well as the thousands of civilians. Due to paucity of
troops, and the operations in progress in Kashmir ,
little succour could be given, till after the capture of Uri by Indian forces
on 13 November 1947 .
The advance headquarters of 50
Parachute Brigade had moved to Jammu
by road on 1 November, along with 3 Rajput and a company of medium machine
guns. The remainder of the brigade, comprising 1 Patiala, 3 Madras, a squadron
of 7 Light Cavalry and 11 Field Battery were expected to concentrate by 6
November. The primary task of the brigade was to keep open the road Madhopur-Kathua-Jammu-Srinagar.
Its secondary task was to maintain law and order in Jammu . Considering the long line of
communications, which had several important bridges, the brigade was very thin
on the ground, with hardly any troops left to maintain law and order and almost
no reserves. As the situation in the region deteriorated, it became necessary
to divert troops for the relief of the besieged garrisons and save the lives of
innocent residents of the towns being captured by the raiders.
On 13 November, elements 50 Parachute
Brigade consisting of 1 Patiala
and a troop of 7 Light Cavalry had reached Akhnur. On 16 November Major General Kalwant Singh,
GOC JAK Division, issued orders for the relief of Naushera, Jhangar, Mirpur,
Kotli and Punch. According to his plan,
50 Parachute Brigade, commanded by Brigadier Y.S. Paranjape was to relieve
Naushera by 16th, Jhangar by 17th, Kotli by 18th,
and Mirpur by 20th November. Another column from Uri, consisting of
two battalions of 161 Infantry Brigade under Brigadier L.P. Sen was to move on
the Uri-Punch axis on 16 November, reaching Punch the same day. The task of
protection of the line of communication was to be taken over by 268 Infantry
The plan was ambitious and had
several flaws. This was pointed out by the officiating C-in-C, Lieutenant
General F.R.R. Bucher, who felt that the advance of two columns was 'positively
dangerous', and the despatch of a column from Uri to Punch, with the enemy
still in position, was 'almost foolhardy'. Brigadier Y.S. Paranjape, Commander
50 Para Brigade, also had several objections. Apart from the dates being
unrealistic, he felt that after establishing a firm base at Jhangar, Mirpur
should be relieved first, so that the advance to Kotli was not interfered with
by the raiders. Both his battalions, 1 Punjab
and 3 Rajput were below strength, with 350 to 400 men in each. However, he was
over ruled by the GOC, who got his plan approved by Lieutenant General Dudley
Russell, GOC-in-C DEP Command, and the operations commenced on 16 November 1947 .
Naushera was occupied on 18
November, after a brief engagement. Paranjape had just three companies with
him, and wanted to wait till the rest of the column fetched up. However,
Kalwant ordered him to continue and capture Kotli. The advance was resumed on
19 November and Jhangar occupied the same day. From Jhangar, two roads forked
out, one leading to Mirpur, and the other to Kotli. Paranjape was in favour of
relieving Mirpur before going for Kotli, so that his flank was secure. However,
Kalwant did not agree and ordered him to head for Kotli. The advance from
Jhangar was resumed on 20 November but was held up after about 15 miles, due to
enemy snipers and road blocks set up by the raiders. Armoured cars and field
guns had to be brought up at some places to clear the blocks and Kotli was
relieved only on 26 November, after negotiating 47 road blocks. Two companies
of demoralised Kashmir
State troops, another
Muslim company that had been disarmed and about 10,000 civilians were found at
Kotli. However, by this time the fate of Mirpur had been sealed. It could not
be relieved, and was torched by the raiders the same day, after being
evacuated. About 400 soldiers and 10,000 refugees managed to escape, and
reached Jhangar. The Pathans killed several hundred soldiers and civilians, and
captured hundreds of women. The abducted women were taken away to the Frontier,
as war booty. En route, many of them were sold after being paraded naked
through the streets of Jhelum by the exultant
Pathan tribesmen.9
On 27 November, the day after it
had been relieved, the GOC decided that Kotli could not be held, due to the
vulnerability of the long line of communication. It was also learned that the
column of 161 Infantry Brigade advancing towards Punch from Uri had been
attacked and forced to return to Uri. Hence the idea of advancing from Kotli to
Punch was given up and 50 Parachute Brigade was ordered to fall back on
Jhangar. This was accomplished on 28 November, with 1 Punjab
occupying Jhangar, and the remainder of the brigade moving to Naushera. Soon
after this, Brigadier Paranjape was hospitalised and had to be replaced.
Brigadier Mohd. Usman, who was commanding 77 Parachute Brigade, was transferred
and appointed Commander 50 Parachute Brigade.
The column of 161 Infantry Brigade that was tasked to relieve Punch
left Uri on 20 November
1947 , simultaneously with the advance of 50 Parachute Brigade from
Jhangar. Being unable to reach Punch the same day due to a delayed start, the
vehicle mounted column decided to harbour for the night at Aliabad Sarai at
nightfall. The long column of about 200 vehicles was split in two, with the
rear portion comprising elements of 1 Kumaon and a troop of 7 Cavalry still
near Milestone 5 on the Uri-Punch road. When advance was resumed next morning
the convoy was ambushed by the enemy. The troops debussed and took up positions
along the road. A platoon attack was put in on Point 5430 which was captured.
At 0830 hours the enemy put in a strong attack supported by heavy fire. One
platoon was over powered but the enemy was repulsed before reaching the convoy
itself. The battle continued till about 1800 hours when the hopelessly
outnumbered column was running dangerously short of ammunition. The enemy had
occupied all dominating features and a withdrawal to Uri was ordered. Total
casualties of own troops were 15 killed and 18 wounded. In addition 13 vehicles
were destroyed by the enemy and one set fire to by own troops. The enemy
casualties were estimated as 100 killed and 50 wounded.10
Meanwhile the leading elements
advancing to Punch were surprised to find the bridge over the Betar Nullah near
Kahuta blown by the detachment of the State Forces who had mistaken the
advancing column for an enemy force. With the bridge destroyed, there was no
hope of the vehicle column reaching Punch. Finally, 1 Kumaon less a company
crossed over on foot and were able to reinforce the garrison at Punch, enabling
it to hold out until they were relieved a year later. The main force moved back
to Uri, reaching there only in the early hours of the morning on 26 November,
after spending almost three days making diversions at the sites where the
bridges had been destroyed and winching the heavy vehicles across with the help
of an Engineers detachment from Uri and 4 Kumaon less two companies that had
been summoned from Srinagar. During this period, a picquet of 1 Sikh at Uri had
beaten back an attack by 400 raiders, inflicting heavy casualties after a
bitter fight lasting more than six hours.
With winter having set in and the
situation stabilizing, there was a comparative lull in the operations in the
Valley, though local skirmishes continued. During this period, which lasted
from 27 November to 9 December, plans were finalized at Delhi for future operations in Jammu and Kashmir . After
diplomatic efforts to persuade Pakistan to stop incursions into Indian
territory failed, Prime Minister Nehru advocated a counter attack across the
border in the Punjab and Jammu region but was dissuaded by Mountbatten who was
horrified at the prospect of the two nations fighting an all out war. He
advised Nehru to refer the matter to the United Nations, which would take
immediate steps to resolve the crisis. Nehru agreed, albeit reluctantly.
However, he overruled the advice of Mountbatten and the C-in-C to evacuate
Punch, insisting that it would be held at all costs. Based on decisions taken
by the Defence Committee and the Cabinet, it was decided to secure maximum area
of the State with a view to relieve Punch and drive the raiders from the
remaining State territory. Instructions on these lines were issued to Major
General Kalwant Singh by Lieutenant General Dudley Russell, GOC-in-C Delhi and East Punjab
Command, on 10 December
1947 . The plan envisaged operations along three thrust lines, one
in the Valley and two in the Jammu
region. The northern thrust involved an advance from Uri to Domel; the central
thrust was along the line Naushara-Kotli-Punch, while the southern thrust was
along the line Akhnur-Munawwar-Bhimbar. The minimum force required for these
operations was four brigades with 16 infantry battalions. However, the total
force available was only three brigades, with 11 battalions. Due to logistical
reasons, the force level in the valley could not exceed 4000 during the winter
months. Hence, the northern thrust was planned only in spring. In the Jammu sector some
important projects such as construction of a bridge at Berippattan – it had
only a ferry - and the road from Pathankot to Jammu had to be completed. As a result, the
next phase of the operations was primarily defensive, with the aim of
consolidating gains rather than undertaking major offensive operations.
the abortive attempt to relieve Punch, 161 Infantry Brigade had returned to
Uri. The garrison at Uri now comprised 4 Kumaon, 1 Sikh, a company each of 1
Kumaon and 1/1 Punjab and a squadron of 7
Cavalry. Srinagar
was held by 6 Rajputana Rifles and 2 Dogra was spread along the line of
communication from Baramulla to Uri.
Between 1 and 10 December there were several attacks on the picquets
held by 4 Kumaon, which were beaten back with heavy casualties. On 13 December
there was an engagement with an enemy battalion of the Frontier Scouts at
Bhatigran in which 1 Sikh suffered exceptionally heavy casualties – 61 killed
and 59 wounded. Among the dead was Jemadar Nand Singh, V.C., who earned a
posthumous M.V.C. in the action. The
Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Sampuran Bachan Singh was wounded, and
was relieved by Lieutenant Colonel Harbaksh Singh, the Srinagar Garrison
Commander. Being rendered unfit to fight, 1 Sikh was replaced by 6 Rajputana
Rifles and moved to Srinagar .
The Loss of
Shortly before the year 1947
ended, the enemy achieved a spectacular success by capturing the important town
of Jhangar ,
which lay on the route from Mirpur to Kotli.
The attack was launched at on 24 December, a day before Christmas, which
was also the birth day of Jinnah. Jhangar was held by 1/2 Punjab, commanded by
Lieutenant Colonel G.I.S. Kullar,, who had sited his battalion to defend the
two approaches from Mirpur and Kotli, with the battalion headquarters in the
middle, at the cross roads. Due to the large gap between the companies, the
positions did not have mutual support. The first objective to be attacked was
Pir Matalsi, which was over-run in an hour, in spite of a gallant defence by
the company which was holding it. The second company guarding the Mirpur road
approach fell soon afterwards. After a few hours, the enemy launched another
attack, from the north-west. With the road to Naushera being blocked,
reinforcement was not possible. The weather being bad, even the Air force could
not provide any succour to the beleaguered troops defending Jhangar. Wisely,
Kullar decided to withdraw to Naushera, and sent back all available transport.
He did not know that the road was blocked, since wireless communications with
Naushera had broken down, after the second assault, at 0730 hours. As soon as
Usman came to know of the attack on Jhangar, he despatched 1 Rajput less a
company with a section each of mountain artillery and medium machine guns.
However, it was too late, since the defences of Jhangar had been over run. The
relief column came up against a road block after advancing just three kilometres,
and had to halt. Attempts by the Rajputs to force their way were foiled by the
enemy, who had occupied Kothi Dhar, which overlooked the road blocks. By the
afternoon, troops who had withdrawn from Jhangar reached the road blocks, and
fought their way to Naushera with the help of the relief column.
The loss of Jhangar was the first
major reverse of the operations in Jammu
and Kashmir . 1 Para Punjab
suffered 101 casualties - 55 killed and 46 wounded – with the enemy casualties
estimated to be 1,000. Flushed with the victory at Jhangar, the enemy launched
an attack on Naushera on 26 December. However, the attack was beaten back with
heavy losses to the enemy. But it was clear that he would not give up easily,
as the capture of Naushera would provide him with a firm base to progress
operations towards Jammu .
By the first week of January, all four roads leading out of Naushera were
dominated by the enemy. 3 Para MLI had started arriving on 27 December, and by
3 January, the entire battalion had moved in. It was still in the process of
settling down when it had an unfortunate incident. On 4 January 1948 the battalion launched
an attack on Bhajnoa, on the Jhangar road. The enemy was well dug-in, and the
attack was launched without artillery support. The attack was beaten back, with
the battalion suffering seven casualties, including the CO Lieutenant Colonel
Rawind Singh Grewal, who was wounded and had to be evacuated. He was replaced
by Lieutenant Colonel Harbans Singh Virk, DSO, who took over on 7 January 1948 . The failure
of the attack by 3 Para MLI on 4 January had raised the enemy's spirits, and he
mounted an assault on Naushera the same evening, from the south-west. However,
it was not pressed home, and with the help of artillery and mortars, the defenders
were able to fend it off. Two days later, another daylight attack came from the
north-west. This too was repulsed. Then, a force of about 5,000 was launched by
the enemy the same afternoon, supported by artillery. After a bitter fight,
which drained all the resources of the garrison, this too was beaten back.
Operation ‘Kipper’
In January there were many
changes in the command set up, which were to have far reaching implications.
The Army Commander, Lieutenant General Sir Dudley Russel, asked to be relieved
– being a British officer, he was not permitted to enter the State of Jammu and Kashmir , due
to political reasons. On 20
January 1948 Lieutenant General K.M. Cariappa was appointed
GOC-in-C Delhi
and East Punjab Command. Cariappa later moved his headquarters from Delhi to Jammu to be closer to the scene of
action. Soon after taking over as Army
Commander, Cariappa visited 50 Parachute Brigade at Naushera. Accompanied by
Usman, he went around the defences. With his keen eye for mountain warfare,
realised the importance of Kot, an important feature held by the enemy who was
building up for an attack on Naushera. Cariappa ordered Usman to capture Kot at
the earliest.
The attack on Kot was launched at
0630 hours on 1 February 1948 .
By 0700 hours, it appeared that the feature had been captured, and 2/2 Punjab sent a success signal. However, it later transpired that the
battalion had gone through the village without searching it thoroughly, and
missed the defenders, who were sleeping. They soon launched a fierce counter
attack, and at 0715 hours, recaptured the feature. Usman had catered for this
contingency, and kept two companies as the brigade reserve. These were now
ordered to move up, and after a heavy artillery and air bombardment, the
feature was recaptured at 1010 hours.
The enemy losses were 156 dead and 200 wounded. 2/2 Punjab
had eleven casualties - seven dead, and four wounded. In the attack on Pathradi
and Uparla Dandesar, 3 Para MLI had 13 casualties - three dead and ten wounded
- after killing 50 of the enemy. This was the first major reverse inflicted on
the enemy on prepared defences and proved costly for him. Since it cut off the
supply route to Naushera, its loss was a critical factor during the battle of
Naushera, which took place after six days.
The Battle
of Naushera
On 6 February 1948 , one of the most important
battles of the Jammu and Kashmir
operations was fought at Naushera. Heartened by his success at Jhangar, the
enemy tried to capture Naushera several times but failed, due to the strength
of the garrison and the clever positioning of troops by Usman. The loss of Kot
and Pathradi was big blow to the enemy and enraged by the defeat, he put
everything he had in the battle at Naushera. At that time, there were five
battalions at Naushera viz. 3 Para Rajput, 3
Para MLI, 1 Rajput, 2/2 Punjab and 1 Patiala . In addition,
there was a squadron of 7 Cavalry and one battery each of field and mountain
On 6 February, Brigadier Usman
had planned an attack on Kalal at 0600 hours. From intelligence reports, he
came to know that the enemy also planned to attack Naushera the same day. He
immediately alerted all picquets and asked them to double their sentries. This
timely warning prevented a major catastrophe. At 0640 hours on 6 February, the
enemy launched a determined attack against Naushera from three directions.
After a mortar bombardment lasting 20 minutes, about 3,000 Pathans attacked
Tain Dhar and an equal number hurled themselves at Kot. In addition, about 5,000
tribesmen were used to attack the surrounding picquets such as Kangota and
Tain Dhar feature, which
overlooked Naushera and was the key to the Naushera valley, was held by 1
Rajput under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Guman Singh. The brigade
commander had anticipated the attack and catered for reinforcements, pre
positioning the Gujar company of 3 Para Rajput under Major Gurdial Singh half
way up the Tain Dhar slopes. Starting at first light, wave after wave of
hostiles hurled themselves against Tain Dhar defences. The brunt of the attack
was borne by picquet number 2 of 1 Rajput comprising 27 men, of whom 24 lost
their lives or were severely wounded. The three surviving soldiers continued to
fight hand-to-hand, till another two were fatally wounded, and there was a lone
survivor. It was at this critical moment that reinforcements arrived, and the
situation was saved.
At about 0715 hours, Brigadier
Usman ordered Gurdial to move forward, and reinforce the picquet. The company
reached the Tain Dhar picquet just when it was about to be annihilated and two
of the three survivors of picquet No. 2 had fallen. This was the turning point
of the battle. Had Tain Dhar fallen, the defence of Naushera would have become
untenable. Along with the attacks on Tain Dhar and Kot a horde of about 5,000
Pathans attacked the positions from the West and South West. The tribesmen were
engaged by artillery, mortars and machine guns, all of which combined to bring
down deadly fire on the attackers, who continued to pour in an endless stream.
The attack continued for almost four hours, before the enemy retired, leaving
963 dead bodies. Own casualties were 33 dead and 102 wounded. Naik Jadunath
Singh was awarded a posthumous Param Vir Chakra. In addition, the battalion won
two Maha Vir Chakras and four Vir Chakras. Apart from the gallantry displayed
by the Rajputs, the artillery played a decisive role in the action, and
Naushera is often called a 'gunners battle'. After this failure, the enemy
withdrew, and the tide turned. The tribesmen lost the will to fight, and were
replaced by regular troops.
Operation ‘Vijay’
Soon after the battle of
Naushera, Cariappa moved his tactical headquarters to Jammu . To exploit the success at Naushera, it
was planned to recapture Jhangar. It was
decided to induct another brigade to hold Naushera, so that 50 Parachute
Brigade could be relieved for the operations against Jhangar. In mid February 1948, 19 Independent Infantry
Brigade, commanded by Brigadier (later Major General) Yadunath Singh, arrived
and took over the defences of Naushera.
In addition, 2 Jat was moved from Beri Pattan to reinforce 50 Parachute
Brigade. Major General Kalwant Singh
moved his tactical headquarters to Naushera to direct the operations, which was
planned to be done in three stages. Initially, several probing actions were to
be carried out, to assess the enemy strength. This was to last till the end of
February, and was to be followed by the capture of Ambli Dhar and Kaman Gosha
Gala, between 1-4 March. The third phase, code named operation 'Vijay',
involved the capture of Jhangar, between 5-18 March.
By end of February, the first
phase of the operation had been completed. In the second phase, which commenced
on 1 March, 50
Para was given the task of capturing Ambli Dhar while 19 Infantry Brigade was
able to dislodge the enemy from Kaman Gosha. Ever since he had known about the
plans for recapture of Jhangar, Usman was in high spirits. The loss of Jhangar
by his brigade had been rankling and he wanted to avenge the defeat. His
battalion commanders were affected by his enthusiasm, and the operation for
capture of Ambli Dhar was completed without any hitch by 2 Jat, assisted by 1
Rajput. Shortly afterwards, 4 Dogra and 2/2 Punjab of 19 Infantry Brigade were
able to dislodge the enemy from Kaman Gosha Gala by 5 March. Both brigades were
now poised for the final thrust, and on 10 March, Major General Kalwant Singh
issued orders for the recapture of Jhangar.
It was at this time that Usman issued his
famous order of the day, quoting the famous lines from Horatious, which read as
Comrades of 50 Para
Time has come when
our planning and preparation for the recapture of JHANGAR has to be put to
test. It is not an easy task but I am confident of success - because our plan
is sound and our preparations have been good. More so, because I have complete
confidence in you all to do your best to recapture the ground we lost on 24
December and to retrieve the honour of our arms.
The hopes and aspirations of our
countrymen are based upon our efforts. We must not falter - we must not fail
To every man upon this Earth
cometh soon or late
And how can man die better
facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers
And the
temples of his Gods.
So forward friends,
fearless we go to Jhangar. India
expects everyone to do his duty.
Jai Hind!
Operation 'Vijay' was to commence
on 12 March, but had to be delayed by two days, due to heavy rain. 50 Parachute Brigade advanced on the South of
the valley, and 19 Infantry Brigade on the North, with a squadron of 7 Cavalry
moving along the road in the middle. 50 Parachute Brigade had under command 3
Para MLI, 3 Para Rajput, 1 Patiala ,
and a company of 3/1 Punjab . 19 Infantry
Brigade had 1 Rajput less a company, 4 Dogra and 1 Kumaon Rifles. By night
fall, 3 Para MLI, which was in the van of the advance of 50 Parachute Brigade,
reached Kothi Dhar and bivouacked there for the night. Next morning, the
battalion commenced their advance towards Phir Thil Naka, where the enemy had
his main line of defences. As the leading company went over the top of a hill
near the village
of Kea , the enemy
suddenly opened fire with automatic weapons from Phir Thil Naka. Among the
first casualties was the company commander, who was shot through the head even
as he was trying to pass a message to the battalion HQ. Within a few hours, 3
Para MLI had suffered 18 casualties, which included two officers killed. Three
lives were lost in trying to recover the body of Major Chopra, under heavy
enemy fire, but the task was accomplished.
Usman wanted to pull back 3 Para
MLI, and make another attempt after arranging for artillery, which was lacking.
But the CO, Lieutenant Colonel H.S. Virk insisted that he would be able to hold
on, and Usman gave his consent. It was clear that the advance would not make
any headway without artillery support. By the end of the day, some field guns
were brought up. The company of 3 Para MLI which had been pinned down was
extricated after last light. Usman decided to attack with two battalions,
supported by artillery and air. 3 Para MLI was to attack from the right, while
1 Patiala was
to go in from the left. A company of 3/1 Punjab
was to divert the enemy's attention by engaging the feature from the South,
while 3 Para Rajput was to be kept in reserve. The Air Force was requested to
soften up the objective before the assault went in, and the light tanks were to
operate along the road to Jhangar. The route to the objective was reconnoitered
during the day by junior leaders, and also by moonlight during the night.
The attack on Phir Thal Naka
commenced at 0730 hours on 17 March 1948 supported by a considerable amount of
artillery - 24 field guns and the mortars of all three battalions, which had
been brigaded. An intense 15 minute barrage was put down to cover the move of
the assaulting troops, the fire lifting just as the troops reached the forward
trenches of the enemy. Taken by surprise, the defenders fled without offering
any resistance. 3 Para MLI did not
suffer a single casualty in the attack. Without resting after capturing Phir
Thil Naka, the battalion set off towards Susloti Dhar, which was captured at 1300
hours. Meanwhile, the advance of 19 Infantry Brigade had also progressed well,
and by 17 March, they had cleared Gaikot forest. The way was now clear for the
attack on Jhangar, and both brigades prepared for the final dash next day.
However, the enemy withdrew and troops of both brigades entered Jhangar next
day without any opposition. Operation 'Vijay' was over.
A notable achievement for Signals
during these operations was the award of the Vir Chakra to Captain (later
Brigadier) H.S. Bains, who was then OC 50 Para Brigade Signal Section. This was
the first gallantry award won by Signals after Independence . Originally from the 5/16 Punjab Regiment, Bains had fought in Burma in World
War II before transferring to Signals in 1945. Soon after the commencement of the
operations in Jammu and Kashmir
he was flown to the beleaguered garrison of Punch where he set up
communications with practically no stores at his disposal. Since no field cable
was available, he dug up the cables being used for local power supply and used
them to provide permanent line (PL) communications to picquets. Shortly
afterwards he was posted to 50 Parachute Brigade Signal Section where he took
part in several battles for which he was awarded the coveted decoration. His
citation for the Vir Chakra is given below:-11
Harbhajan Singh Bains is the Brigade Signal Officer of 50 Para Brigade. This
officer has been through all the Naushera Battles. It is due to this officer’s
efficiency and hard work that all the operations were successfully concluded.
The officer personally manned the set during the battle of Kot little caring
for his personal safety when the bullets were flying all over. He again
volunteered and went with the assault company of 2 Jats in the battle of
Amlidhar. It was due to the officer’s calmness and courage that reinforcements
could be put in time, when the enemy counter-attacked.
during the battle of Jhangar this officer showed outstanding courage which
inspired all his signallers who were manning the sets. Working under most
difficult conditions over most difficult country it was through this officer’s
extraordinary calmness and hard work that the communications were kept through
throughout the operations without which the operations could not have
successfully been concluded.
officer’s hard work under heavy enemy fire and calmness and courage call for

Capture of Rajauri
After securing Jhangar,
preparations began for the capture of Rajauri, as a prelude to the relief of
Punch. 50 Parachute Brigade, which had remained in Jhangar after its capture,
was ordered to carry out a feint towards Kotli to deceive the enemy. The task
of advancing to Rajauri and capturing it was assigned to 19 Infantry Brigade
that had been withdrawn to Naushera. In addition to its battalions – 4 Dogra, I
Rajputana Rifles, 5 Jat and I Kumaon Rifles – 19 Infantry Brigade was given
additional troops in the form of Central India Horse less two squadrons, 5 Jat
and two pioneer platoons. The advance commenced on 8 April and 4 Dogra managed
to capture Barwali Ridge with the support of the armour. The subsequent advance
was on a broad front with the infantry moving along the hills on both sides and
the tanks keeping to the road. Chingas was entered on 10 April but found to be
in flames.
After the capture of Chingas,
enemy resistance collapsed. On 12 April, 1 Kumaon advanced to Rajauri supported
by tanks. Overcoming several obstacles they entered Rajauri at 0630 hours. The
troops reached just in time to save the lives of about 300 refugees who had
been lined up to be shot. Three large pits full of corpses were discovered,
indicating that the enemy had carried out a general massacre of the non-Muslim
population prior to his withdrawal. It was estimated that about 500 of the
enemy had been killed in the operation. The movement of armour along the road
from Naushera to Chingas was made possible only due to the superhuman effort of
the Engineers. Second Lieutenant R.R. Rane was awarded the Param Vir Chakra for
carrying out mine clearing operations for a prolonged period under continuous
enemy fire, which killed two and wounded five men of his party, including Rane
With summer approaching the time
was ripe for undertaking offensive operations in the Kashmir Valley .
It became clear that the existing command set up could not control operations
in both Jammu and Kashmir
Sectors due to the large distances and the numbers of units and formation
involved. The JAK Force was split into two divisions – the SRI (Srinagar ) Division in the
Valley and JA (Jammu )
Division in the Jammu
sector. Major General (Later General and Chief of Army Staff) K.S. Thimayya,
D.S.O., was given command of SRI Division while Major General Atma Singh was
appointed the new commander of JA Division. (The two divisions were
subsequently given numeric names, becoming 19 and 26 Divisions respectively). A
new sub area, called J&K L of C Sub Area, under Brigadier Jai Singh, was
created to look after the line of communications ahead of the railhead at
Pathankot. The reorganisation was completed by 4 May 1948 and after relinquishing command of
JAK Force, Major General Kalwant Singh moved to Delhi as Chief of General Staff of the Indian
Activities of Signals during the Winter Operations
15 December 1947 ,
Colonel B.S. Bhagat joined HQ DEP Command as CSO. His appointment was
fortuitous, in view of his first hand knowledge of the operations in Jammu and Kashmir . From
June 1947 onwards, ‘Tutu’ Bhagat, as he was affectionately known in the Corps,
was a GSO 1 in Army HQ at Delhi ,
and had been involved with the division of the Indian Signal Corps when India was
partitioned. He was thus fully in the picture regarding the availability of
signal resources all over India ,
the knowledge coming in handy when the commitments in the Jammu and Kashmir operations escalated. In
October 1947 he was appointed Deputy Director Signals at Army HQ. When the new
HQ JAK Division was raised, he was selected as its first GSO 1, and accompanied
the GOC, Major General Kalwant Singh when he flew to Srinagar on 5 November 1947 to take charge. But his tenure in JAK Division was brief – on
24 November he was recalled to his previous appointment in Delhi . However, the 20 days he had spent in
the crucial appointment planning operations in Jammu and Kashmir during the most critical
period gave him an insight that was invaluable. After another short tenure as
Deputy Director Signals at Army HQ, he was appointed CSO DEP Command on 15 December 1947 .
As mentioned earlier, only
limited operations were conducted in the winter months in the Kashmir Valley .
However, there was considerable activity in the Jammu sector, as described above.
Communications remained virtually unchanged, except when new formations were
raised or inducted. One such change occurred when a new sub area headquarters was
raised at Pathankot in January 1948 with the object of providing for an advance
base on the line of communication to Jammu
and Kashmir . The Pathankot Sub Area was to include
Gurdaspur and the units and Gurkha Regimental Centres at Yol, Dharamsala, Palampur
and Baklow. At this time, a detachment of 2 Airborne Divisional Signals under
Lieutenant Teja Singh was located at Pathankot. To provide communication
support to the sub area, additional signal resources had to be provided. This
was done by moving 28 Medium Wireless Section of 3 Company, DEP Command
Signals, to Pathankot to provide wireless communications until the arrival of 2
Airborne Divisional Signals which was under orders to move to Pathankot. On 23 January 1948 Captain
H.S. Coultrop, OC 28 Medium Wireless Section moved with his section from Delhi to Pathankot. By 28 January wireless communications were
set up on medium power sets with Delhi ,
Jullundur and Amritsar . A wireless net
using low power sets was established with Yol, Dharamsala, Palampur and Baklow.
Low power sets were also used for links with Jammu .
Due to deployment of a large
number of formations at short notice, wireless was the primary means of
communications. Line communications existed only between important towns, on
lines hired from the department of Posts and Telegraphs. The DEP Command trunk
line communication diagram is shown below:-12

To meet the immediate commitments
necessitated by Partition, signal resources had been deployed from several
units, the criteria being proximity to the scene of action rather than the role
of the unit. As a result, signal units of field formations such as 1 Armoured
Divisional Signals, 4 Divisional Signals and 2 Airborne Divisional Signals had
to take on ad hoc communication tasks at short notice. These units had to be
later relieved so that they could revert to their operational role. A detailed
Signals plan was made for this purpose by Brigadier B.S. Bhagat, CSO DEP
Command, in consultation with Army HQ. This was intimated to the concerned
units though a demi official letter, a copy of which is given below:-
From : Brig B.S. BHAGAT,
CSO DO No. 32095/Sigs
Delhi & East Punjab Comd
1. I am writing this DO to put you all in the picture as
regards the future of Sig units in DEP Comd.
Nothing in this letter is to be taken as firm authority to quote to your
staff. It is only meant to give you
advance infm as to the trend of planning in this HQ.
2. The
Sig plan is to be implemented in four phases :-
Phase 1 up to 15 Feb 48 .
3 Coy DEP Comd Sig Regt establishes at AMBALA and
takes over EP Area static comns at AMBALA, JULLUNDUR, AMRITSAR, GURUDASPUR,
4 Div Sigs are relieved of all static comns and are available for an operational
Phase 2 from 15 Feb 48 to a date to be notified later.
(a) 2 Airborne Div Sig Regt complete
concentration at PATHANKOT .
(b) 3 Coy DEP Comd Sig Regt complete its
est and take over responsibilities of intercomn at PATHANKOT from 2 Airborne
Div Sig Regt.
(c) 2 Airborne Div Sig Regt move forward
to JAMMU and
begin taking over from 1 Armd
Div Sig Regt comns of JAK Force.
Phase 3
(a) 2 Airborne Div Sig Regt complete the
take over from 1 Armd Div Sig Regt.
(b) 1 Armd Div Sig Regt concentrates with
HQ 1 Armd Div.
4 Coy DEP Comd Sig Regt begins
to form.
Phase 4
(a) 4 Coy DEP Comd Sig Regt concentrates
in JAMMU and take over static comns of JAK Force from 2 Airborne Div Sig Regt
who are then free for an mob operational role.
(b) It is the intention at present that
when 4 Coy DEP Comd Sigs are est at JAMMU ,
the det of 3 Coy DEP Comd Sigs at PATHANKOT
will become part of 4 Coy DEP Comd Sig Regt. This may then become an indep unit with a
Modified Regt HQ.
3. I
hope this puts you enough into the picture as to how planning is to take place
Sd/- xxx
xxx xxx
To : Lt. Col.
Col. M.N. BATRA OC 4 Div Sig Regt, JULLUNDUR .
Lt. Col. R. N. SEN, OC 2 Airborne
Div Sig Regt, DEHRA DUN .
to:- Brig C.H. I. AKEHURST.
SO-in-C, Army Headquarters (India )
An interesting development during
this period was the appearance of enemy wireless stations that were interfering
with our own wireless nets. On 31 December 1947 Lieutenant Colonel Jaswant
Singh, CO of JAK Divisional Signals, brought this to the notice of Colonel B.S.
Bhagat (who was promoted brigadier a few days later) CSO DEP Command. He identified five frequencies
on which enemy wireless stations were causing quite a bit of nuisance. Their
activities consisted of coming on the air and jamming conversations and
messages, especially those with high priorities; using own link signs and giving false
acknowledgements or attempting cancellation of
messages; and using obscene and foul language. Colonel Jaswant Singh
informed the CSO that he was trying to locate the intruder sets with the help
of the RIAF direction finding units with a view to destroy them, and wanted to
know if any such equipment was available at Jullundur, Ferozepore or further
west, which could be used to get three bearings and thus pin point the intruder
station. Bhagat informed Jaswant Singh
that at present Signals did not have any DF operators. However, he would seek
the help of the RIAF and the Director General Civil Aviation in direction
finding either from Ferozepore or Jullundur .
In the meantime, he advised that frequencies could be changed more frequently
so as to confuse the intruding stations and directed that all operators use the
Slidex Challenge procedure.
Strangely enough, all signal
units and sub units were functioning on peace establishments when they were
inducted in the Jammu & Kashmir operations. Consequently, they did not
possess essential equipment to function outdoors such as transport, tentage,
field messes and other mobilisation stores. It was only when it became clear
that the operations would be prolonged that conversions from peace to war
establishments were sanctioned. On 15 March 1948 signal units of JAK Force were reorganized
from peace to war establishments. This included 19 & 80 Independent Brigade
Signal Companies at Naushera and Akhnur; 50 Parachute Brigade Signal Company at
Naushera; and 161 and 268 Infantry Brigade Signal Companies at Uri and Miran
Saheb. Similarly, 4 Infantry Divisional
Signal Regiment and 5 and 11 Infantry Brigade Signal Companies were reorganised
from peace to war establishment on 1 April 1948 .
On 4 May 1948 , the forces in Jammu & Kashmir
were reorganized and given new responsibilities. The Jammu (JA) Division became
responsible for operations from Pathankot to the Banihal Pass
while the Srinagar (SRI) Division was now responsible for operations north of
the Banihal Pass , including Punch and Uri. The line
of communication from Pathankot onwards became the responsibility of the Jammu and Kashmir Line
of Communication (J&K L of C) Sub Area at Jammu . This necessitated the issue of fresh
signal instructions laying down the responsibilities of signal units in Western
Command, as the DEP Command had been re-designated on 1 March 1948 . 2 Airborne Signal
Regiment, which had been providing communications to the JAK Force, was
re-designated Jammu
(2 AB) or JA Divisional Signal Regiment.
Simultaneously, Srinagar (SRI) Infantry Divisional Signal Regiment was
formed, based on 6 L of C Signal Regiment, which had been formed on 1 March
1948 by re-designating 2 Company Eastern
Command Signal Regiment.
Operations in the Uri Sector
The appointment of Major General
Thimayya as GOC SRI Division was a great fillip to the morale of the troops in
the Valley. Called affectionately as ‘Timmy’ by all ranks, he had won a D.S.O.
in Burma
and was one of the well known field commanders of the Indian Army. SRI Division
then had three brigades under command. 161 Infantry Brigade, under the command
of Brigadier L.P Sen was looking after the Uri Sector. The erstwhile ‘Z’
Brigade, which had been raised in February 1948 to look after Handwara- Bandipur-
Skardu- Leh sector, was renamed 163 Infantry Brigade, with Brigadier Harbaksh
Singh being named the new commander. 77 Parachute Brigade, commanded by
Brigadier Nair, had recently been inducted in the Valley. On 13 May 1948 , Thimayya held a
conference, and gave out his plans for the summer offensive, which envisaged
the capture of Domel. The main thrust,
by 161 Infantry Brigade, was to advance to Domel on 20 May 1948 , after being relieved by 77
Parachute Brigade. A diversionary thrust by 163 Infantry Brigade was to
commence on 18 May and advance to Tithwal.
163 Brigade commenced its advance
on two axes from Handwara on 18 May as planned. By the end of the next day, 1 Madras had secured the
Dogarpur Ridge and 3 Garhwal Rifles had captured Trehgam. On 20 May, 1 Sikh
advanced through1 Madras
and captured Chowkibal at the foot of the Nastachun Pass. Not allowing the enemy any respite, 1 Madras took the lead
again and at nightfall were only 3 miles short of the Nastachun Pass ,
securing it next day after an hour’s fighting. The Sikhs now took over and by
that evening had advanced six miles towards Tithwal, leaving the Madrassis to
spend the night at the 10,000 feet high pass. On 23 May 1 Sikh captured
Tithwal, bagging a large number of prisoners and weapons. The diversionary
thrust of 163 Brigade had advanced 40 miles in six days, accounting for 67 enemy
dead and many more wounded.
The main thrust of 161 Brigade
started from Uri on the same day on two thrust lines – one directed from Mahura
to Pandu and the other from Uri along the road to Chakothi. Moving off from
Mahura on 18 May, 4 Kumaon was able to capture Chinal Dori on 21 May, followed
by Chota Kazinag the next day. By 25 May, Pandu had been also captured, along
with several soldiers of the regular Pakistan Army, in addition to a large dump
of ammunition and supplies. However, the
operations on the second thrust line did not fare well. Advancing along the Uri-Domel Road , 2
Dogra lost its way and was held up at Salamabad on 20 May. The reserve battalion, 6 Rajputana Rifles was
rushed to its aid. After securing the objectives,
it continued to Dardkot, but the delay in capture of Salamabad and loss of
surprise had given the enemy enough time to burn all the bridges on the road. A
battalion of the Jammu and Kashmir
Militia was sent forward to occupy Salamabd but it was found physically unfit
and had to be returned. Thereafter 7 Sikh was sent forward to join up with 6
Rajputana Rifles at Dardkot.
On 22 May an air strike of two
sorties was promised to assist 161 Brigade in its attack on the well prepared
enemy defences. Captain J.C. D’Souza - he was a cipher officer, attached to the
brigade signal section - was ordered to move forward with the VHF wireless set
for ground to air communication so that the pilots could be guided to the
targets. Loading the set on a mule, D’Souza reported at the foot of the feature
on which the brigade headquarters was located at 11 am . Since the hill sides were steep and slippery, he
was asked to unload the set and have it carried up manually to the brigade
command post on top of the hill. However, the mule leader had already started
moving up the slope on a narrow track. As expected, the mule slipped and came
slithering down the slope. Miraculously, both the mule and the wireless set
appeared to have suffered very little damage. The set was carried up to the brigade
command post and much to everyone’s relief, found to be working.13
Realising that the enemy force opposing the
main thrust towards Domel was an enemy brigade of four battalions based at
Chakothi, Thimayya decided to change the plans. He ordered 77 Brigade to move
up to Pandu and carry out an outflanking manoeuvre north of the Jhelum River
and capture Point 6065 near Kathai, about four miles behind Chakothi. This
would threaten the enemy’s line of communication and force him to abandon his
forward positions that were holding up the advance of 163 Brigade. To assist
the move, a battalion from 163 Brigade was asked to move from Tithwal towards
Muzaffarabad. Both columns started on mule pack basis but could not make much
progress since the weather changed for the worse. Due to the heavy rain,
movement became slow and air supply could not be resorted to. Moreover,
surprise had been lost and the enemy quickly moved troops to block the routes.
The operation had therefore to be called off.
Alarmed by the rapid progress of
the Indian thrust in the Tithwal sector, the enemy quickly moved additional
troops in the form of 9 Frontier Division under Major General Nazir Ahmed. The
enemy now had a brigade each at Chakothi, Domel and opposite Tithwal. In view
of these developments Thimayya changed his plans again and decided on a drive
south of the Jhelum towards the Pir Panjal
range. 77 Brigade was recalled to Uri to relieve 161 Brigade, which was to
undertake a wide hook from the left towards Pirkanthi and Ledigalli, both
dominating features located six miles south of the Uri Domel road. 77 Brigade
was to guard Uri and also make an attempt to force the Haji Pir Pass.
Commencing its advance on three axes on 14 June, 161 Brigade made good progress with all three
battalions capturing their initial objectives. However, the attack on Pir Kanthi
by 2/3 Gorkha Rifles on 21 June failed. Due to bad weather, the next attempt
could be made only after week. On 28 June the Gorkhas put in a silent attack
and captured the feature, killing 84 and wounding 40 of the enemy, their own
losses being 11 dead and 51 wounded. The same day, the Jaipur Sawai Man Guards
captured Ledi Galli. While 161 Brigade operations were on, 2 Para Madras of 77 Brigade
launched attacks on 13 and 16 June on the Haji Pir Pass , reaching within 45 meters of the
objective in the second attempt. However, they were driven back after
sustaining heavy casualties.
By the end of June 1948, the
objectives of the Summer Offensive had been partially achieved. Nastachun Pass had been captured, and the area up
to the Kishenganga
River cleared by 163
Infantry Brigade. In the Uri Sector, Domel could not be captured, but 161
Infantry Brigade had taken Pirkanthi and Ledi Galli. Haji Pir Pass was still held by the enemy, but
Chota Kazinag had fallen. In Northern Kashmir ,
Razdhanangan Pass had been captured. Almost 350
square miles of territory had been liberated from enemy occupation. At this
juncture, the Government decided to cease offensive operations, as the case had
been referred to the United Nations. As a result, there was a lull in the
operations and the enemy regained the initiative.
In July 1948 the Pakistanis went
on the offensive. They launched a series of determined attacks against the
positions held by 1 Madras
forcing them to withdraw across the Kishanganga
River . Shortly afterwards
the enemy achieved a major success by recapturing Pandu. The feature was held
by 4 Kumaon and had beaten off several attacks by the enemy. On 19 June a party
led by the CO, Lieutenant Colonel M.M. Khanna was ambushed near a bridge. After
a heavy exchange of fire the enemy withdrew, leaving six killed and 12 wounded.
The Kumaonis lost 13 killed, and the CO was seriously wounded. For the next two
weeks, the battalion beat back several attacks by the enemy. On 5/6 July 4
Kumaon was relieved by 2 Bihar , a
comparatively raw battalion. After a heavy preparatory bombardment, the enemy
attacked Pandu on 21 July. After two days of fierce fighting the battalion withdrew
to Uri and Pandu fell to the enemy on 23 July. The CO was put under arrest by
the brigade commander, Brigadier Henderson-Brooks and later court-martialled.14
Operations of the Jammu Division
(April – July 1948)
After the capture of Jhangar, 50 Parachute
Brigade remained to defend the town, while 19 Infantry Brigade was withdrawn to
Naushera. The next three months were spent in consolidating the defences, and
beating back enemy attacks, which continued. Two major attacks were launched
against Jhangar, on 16 April and 10 May 1948 . Both were beaten back, with heavy casualties
to the enemy. Along with Jhangar, the enemy launched attacks on picquets around
Naushera such as Kaman Gosha Gala and Phir Thil Naka on 16 April. These were
also beaten back. On 2 May, 19 Infantry Brigade captured Thana Mandi in the
Rajauri sector. Major General Atma Singh, who had just taken over command of
the Jammu Division, made plans to destroy the enemy in this area. During the
month of May a combined force of 19 Infantry Brigade and 80 Infantry Brigade
carried out several operations in the Naushera area and managed to clear some
positions occupied by the enemy .
After repulsing the enemy attack
on Jhangar on 10 May, Brigadier Usman decided to clear the enemy from the area
of Sabzkot, which was an advance base of the enemy being used to protect the
line of communication from Mirpur. The
attack was launched at first light on 21 May 1948 , and progressed well till the assaulting
troops were about 150 metres from the enemy's forward defences. Then the enemy
opened up with automatics, and men began to fall. It then became clear that the
enemy strength was almost a battalion, and not a company, as had been
estimated. Usman ordered the battalion to break contact and withdraw, with the
support of tanks and artillery. This was achieved shortly after mid day. 3 Para
MLI suffered 37 casualties, including eight dead. 2 Rajputana Rifles also ran into rough
weather in their attack, and had to fall back, after suffering casualties.
Brigadier Usman was killed by an
enemy shell on 3 July 1948 .
After a conference Usman and a few of his staff officers were going round the
headquarters when the shelling started. They took shelter under a large
overhanging rock in a terraced field, just above the signallers' bunker. Once the shelling stopped, a few signallers,
led by Lieutenant Ram Singh of the brigade signal section, came out and started
repairing the aerials. Seeing them come out, Usman also decided to move to the
brigade command post. En route, he stopped to have a word with the signallers
and encourage them. Just then, a 25 pounder shell landed on the rock nearby,
and the splinters killed him on the spot. Two of the signallers working
outside, as well as Lieutenant Ram Singh were wounded. The shelling continued
throughout the night, and about 800 shells were dropped on Jhangar. Besides
Brigadier Usman, four men lost their lives during the shelling, while eight
were wounded, including three officers.
Usman's untimely death cast a
gloom on the entire garrison. From Jammu ,
his body was flown to Delhi ,
where he was given a State Funeral, which was attended by the Governor General,
Lord Mountbatten, and the Prime Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru. Soon afterwards,
the Government announced that Usman had been posthumously awarded the MVC. He
was the senior most Indian officer to have lost his life during the Jammu and Kashmir
operations in 1947-48. Even today, he is venerated by the people of Jammu and the surrounding
region. Memorials have been built at Naushera and Jhangar, where veterans
gather on the anniversary of his death to honour his memory. The memorial at
Jhangar is built on the same rock, on which the shell which took his life had
The Relief of Punch
When hostilities commenced in
October 1947, the Punch garrison had about 2,000 State Force troops. On 22 January 1948 , the
garrison was reinforced by 1 Para Kumaon less a company under Brigadier Pritam
Singh. In addition there were about 40,000 civilians who had sought refuge in
the town to escape the atrocities of the raiders. For the next one year, the
Punch garrison faced several onslaughts by the hostiles who had laid siege to
the town. Being supplied entirely by air, the besieged garrison held out, until
they were relieved after exactly one year. The defence of Punch is a saga of
grit, courage and leadership that has few parallels in Indian military history.
In the first week of January 1948
Punch was reinforced by two companies of 4/9 Gorkha Rifles, with the remaining
two companies joining a month later.
Brigadier Pritam Singh augmented the fighting strength of the garrison
by creating militia battalions from volunteers among the refugees, whose
performance was creditable. On 17 March
the enemy began shelling the defences using 3.7 inch howitzers that had
recently arrived. More than 200 shells landed inside the perimeter, many
landing on the runway that appeared to be the prime target. In response to a
desperate call from the brigade, a section of 25 pounder guns was flown into
Punch, with the indomitable Air Commodore Mehar Singh himself landing a Dakota
in fading light to avoid enemy fire. These 25 pounders effectively neutralized
the enemy’s artillery, leading to a temporary lull in the shelling.
The enemy continued to harass the
garrison by intermittent shelling and attacks during the months of February and
March, which were repulsed. During this period the Punch Brigade carried out
several local operations, which kept the morale of the residents high, part from
causing casualties among the enemy. To
alleviate the shortage of food, Brigadier Pritam Singh organized harvesting
operations by sending civilian volunteers under escort to the surrounding areas
which were under enemy control. In April
the brigade captured some surrounding hills that had direct observation over
the air strip. By May 1948, the brigade had consolidated its position in Punch.
19 Infantry Brigade advanced from Rajauri to Thana Mandi to link up with 1
Kumaon that advanced from Punch to Surankot. The operation went according to
plan and another battalion, 1/2 Punjab was
able to reinforce Punch on 23
June 1948 . In August, the enemy brought in additional troops and
stepped up his activities. In September he brought up 25 pounder guns and captured
some features that gave him direct observation over the airfield, which was put
out of commission. With the air link being cut, opening the land route to Punch
became an urgent necessity.
On 14 September 1948 Lieutenant General S.M.
Shrinagesh was appointed GOC of V Corps that was created to control all
operations in Jammu and Kashmir .
He was directed to undertake operations for the relief of Punch at the
earliest. The two possible routes were from Uri in the north and Rajauri in the
south. Though the route from Uri was shorter, it was given up for
administrative reasons – a long line of communication and the possibility of
heavy snow closing the two passes, Banihal and Hajipir. Though the approach
from the south was easier, it was heavily defended, with the enemy having three
brigades deployed between Rajauri and Punch. At least two brigades would be
required for the operation, with a third operating on the flank. The advancing
troops would have to depend on animal transport for the entire move. However,
it would be necessary to construct a road behind them, to facilitate
maintenance and move of artillery. It was proposed to carry out the operation,
which was given the code name ‘Easy’, in October 1948.
limited offensive actions were carried before the actual link up operations
started. I9 Infantry Brigade (Brigadier Yadunath Singh) captured Thanamandi on
22 September. In order to protect the western flank of the troops advancing
from Naushera to Rajauri for Operation ‘Easy’, 268 Infantry Brigade (Brigadier
Harbhajan Singh) captured Pir Badesar on 15 October. This confused the enemy about our
intentions. Wireless intercepts revealed that the enemy thought that the
capture of Pir Badesar was a prelude to an Indian advance from Jhangar to Kotli.
To reinforce this deception, the route for the advance to Punch was changed to
go through Mendhar, instead of via Sangiot. This would force the enemy to
commit his reserves at Kotli. This also suited the Engineers who felt that the
construction of a jeep track via Mendhar was easier than via Sangiot. In the
next phase of the operation, 5 Infantry Brigade captured Pir Kalewa on 26
By 5
November the troops taking part in Operation ‘Easy’ had concentrated at
Rajauri. These included 5 Infantry Brigade (Brigadier Umrao Singh); I9 Infantry
Brigade (Lieutenant Colonel Jagjit Singh); Durga Force (Lieutenant Colonel Ajit
Singh); two troops of Central India Horse; three batteries of field and one
battery of mountain artillery. Commencing their advance on the night of 6/7
November, both 5 and 19 Brigades captured their initial objectives – left and
right shoulder of Bhimbar Gali – by 8 November. The Durga Force set out a day
after the other two and captured Ramgarh Fort on 9 November. On the same day 19
Infantry Brigade captured Point 6207. Finding that the opposition being
encountered by 5 Infantry Brigade on the right was comparatively less than that
facing 19 Brigade on the left, GOC JA Division, Major General Atma Singh
switched 19 Infantry Brigade also to the right, leaving one battalion to
demonstrate on the left axis. The combined force of two brigades captured Point
5982 on 20 November 1948 .
At 1400 hours on the same day Brigadier Pritam Singh advanced south from Punch
and linked up with the relief column. After the link up, 19 Infantry Brigade
turned southwards and advanced to Mendhar, which was captured on 23 November.
This ended Operation ‘Easy’ for the relief of Punch, which had been under siege
for exactly one year. During the operation the enemy suffered 363 killed and
633 wounded.
Signals during
the Summer Offensive
With the creation of two divisional
regiments, it was expected that communication support for formations deployed
in Jammu and Kashmir
would improve substantially. However, due to a corresponding increase in
commitments and the fact that the two units were not fully equipped, this did
not happen. In August 1948, Brigadier Bhagat took up the case for allotment of
additional signal resources through Signals as well as General Staff channels. An
extract from the letter from HQ Western Command to Army HQ is given below:-
1. As the need for additional sig
resources is very real, the following alternative proposals are put up for your
urgent consideration:-
(a) PUNCH Bde, at present, has NO Sig Sec
authorized for it. An Ad Hoc Sec has
been formed and is in situ taken from within the resources of the two sig Regts
(JA and SRI Div Sig Regts) in Jammu & Kashmir. It is requested that the fmn of a Bde Sig Sec
for PUNCH Bde be authorized on the scale given in Appx ‘A’ att. This will mean that the pers for this sig sec
will NOT count against the str of JA & SRI Div Sig Regts.
(b) Owing to the fact that there are about
ten Bns under 161 Bde, it is very strongly suggested that you provide another
Sig Sec to look after some of the Bns in this Sector. If it is NOT possible to
sanction a full Bde Sig Sec, it is suggested that an increment to 161 Bde Sig
Sec be provided as shown in Appx ‘B’ to this letter. This increment is
essential because an ordinary Bde Sig Sec is only catered to provide comns for
a Bde of three Bns and att tps and can NOT cater for about ten Bns which 161
Bde has at present.
(c) At Appx ‘C’ is shown an increment of
pers and eqpt reqd for JA and SRI Div Sig Regts in order that they can carry
out their respective roles of providing efficient comns in JAMMU & KASHMIR.
It has been found that these Sig Regts with their normal WE/PE can NOT cope
with the commitments they have. This increment would be in the nature of a stop
gap and would NOT of course be as efficient as the provision of another Sig
Regt which was asked for in our even number of 5 Aug 48 .
2. In this connection it is relevant to
note that:-
(a) The impression that Sig Commitments are
fewer in a static HQ than in a mob one is NOT correct. This is due to the fact
that as soon as a HQ becomes static, the adm sig tfc increases considerably.
Even operational tfc, as in the present case, in no way diminishes. Sig Comns
have to be maintained constantly and in point of fact it makes very little
difference to Sig commitments, except in so far as their tpt is concerned, as
to whether a HQ is static or NOT. The idea, therefore, that as the two Div HQ
are more or less static, their Sig Regts can be depleted in str, is a very mistaken
(b) The signal resources of Bns and other
units are already being utilized to the full. Bns are often finding their own
rear wrls links to Bdes and helping out in the maint of lines It is, however,
pointed out that Bns in static roles cover very wide areas and their Sigs pls
are hard put to provide efficient inter comns within their own Bns. It would
NOT thus be possible to deplete Bns Sigs pls in order to provide extra pers to
help in the maint of Bns and Divisional Sig comns.15
2 Airborne Divisional Signal
At the
time of Independence 2
Airborne Divisional Signal Regiment was located at Quetta . Following the
partition of the country the unit provided communications to the Punjab
Boundary Force. In October 1947 it moved from Quetta to Lahore and a month
later to Amritsar to take over communication commitments of the Military
Evacuation Organisation from 1
Armoured Divisional Signal Regiment. On 15 December 1947 it handed over its
responsibilities to 123 Brigade Signal Section and moved to Dehradun. In February 1948 the unit
moved to Pathankot, from where it moved to Jammu in April 1948, where it
relieved JAK Force Signal Regiment, which had been formed by elements of 1
Armoured Divisional Signal Regiment. The unit had the responsibility of
providing communications in the whole of Jammu
and Kashmir .
The following companies /sections were part of the unit:-
50 Para
Brigade Signal Section - Jhangar
Brigade Signal Company - Naushera
80 (I) Brigade
Signal Company - Akhnur
Brigade Signal Section - Uri
Brigade Signal Section - Punch
Brigade Signal Section - Jasmergarh
(Later Srinagar )
Brigade Signal Section - Ranbirsingpura
Field Regiment Signal Section - Naushera
Mountain Regiment Signal Section - Naushera
Field Regiment Signal Section - Srinagar
After the creation of the Jammu or JA Division
in May1948, the unit became responsible for communications in the Jammu Sector,
and was re-designated Jammu or JA
Divisional Signal Regiment, which was later to become 26 Divisional Signal
Regiment. It was from within the establishment of the unit that 163 Brigade
Signal Section and detachments were provided for the creation of SRI Divisional
Signal Regiment, until the move of 6 L
of C Signal Regiment to Srinagar. The signal
office in Srinagar
was set up by JA Divisional Signal Regiment, whose officers and men also helped
the newly formed SRI Divisional Signal Regiment to set up communications in
Baramula. Subsequently all Signals personnel in the valley were struck off the
strength of the unit and posted to SRI Divisional Signal Regiment, while a few
remained attached to that unit and were finally withdrawn only in July 1948.
The unit was then under the command of Lieutenant Colonel R.N. Sen
with Major R.K. Vats
being the Second-in-Command. The company commanders were Major A. Mehra (1 Company)
and Major M. Cohen (3 Company). The officers in the out signal companies/ sections
were Major Phalwant Singh (80 Independent Brigade Signal Company); Captain R.N.
R. Sawhny (19 Independent Brigade Signal Company); Captain G.B. Bhide (268 Brigade Signal
Section); Captain H.S. Bains and Captain Brij Lal (50 Parachute Brigade Signal
Section); Lieutenant Gurdharshan Singh (Punch - later 101/168 - Brigade Signal
Section); Lieutenant P.S Jauhal (16 Field Regiment Signal Section); Lieutenant
Gulzar Singh (22 Mountain Regiment Signal Section); and Lieutenant Ram Singh (8 Field Regiment Signal Section). Other
officers who served in the unit at various times were Major Y.S. Desai; Major
B.S. Panwar; Captain Hardev Singh; Captain P.P. Jude; Captain M.L. Sahni;
Captain H.S. Kler; Captain G. Swaminathan; Captain S.S. Sidhu; Lieutenant Sher
Singh; Lieutenant E.K. Sankaran Nair; Lieutenant S.S. Jha; Lieutenant Jagbir
Singh; Lieutenant V. Kulandai Velu; Lieutenant S.N. Mookerjee; Lieutenant N.V.
Lakshmanan Nair; and Second- Lieutenant N. G. Bakshi.
As has been mentioned earlier,
Brigadier Usman, Commander 50 Parachute Brigade was killed by enemy shelling on
3 July 1948 .
Lieutenant Ram Singh and two men of the Signal Section were wounded during the
shelling. The casualties would have been much higher but for the precaution
taken by Captain Brij Lal, who was commanding 50 Parachute Brigade Signal
Section. At that time only the forward
troops were in properly fortified bunkers. The others, such as those in the brigade
headquarters and administrative units in the rear lived as in cantonments, with
open trenches dug around the camp for perimeter defence. This was because the enemy had no artillery
in the sector and his small arms fire could reach only the forward troops. In
the middle of June, an Indian aircraft flying over the enemy positions to the south
of Jhangar saw some gun pits. Another sortie a few days later reported that the
guns were now manned. Some air attacks were mounted, but these had limited
effect. Orders were immediately passed that headquarters and units in the rear
should improve their defences and construct bunkers with proper overhead
protection. Very few people took these orders seriously, especially in the brigade
headquarters, which had its office and mess in the two roomed inspection
bungalow at the cross road in Jhangar. One person who followed the instructions
meticulously was Captain Brij Lal – he made sure that his bunkers were strong
enough to withstand enemy shells. As a result, only the signallers who were
outside the bunkers were wounded in the shelling, the rest being unhurt.
During the next few months the main
task of the unit was providing assistance to the Posts and Telegraphs
Department in establishment of static communications.
In May the trunk lines between Pathankot and Jammu were built, followed by the trunk lines
to Naushera and Jhangar in July and August. The line to Naushera gave a lot of
trouble and became commercial only after the move of the regiment to Naushera
in October 1948. In view of the importance of Punch, the unit had to maintain a
detachment of one officer and 30 men at that location at all times. The unit
was often over stretched, since JA Division had 42 battalions, six brigades and
a few ad hoc brigades, while it had only five brigade signal sections. In
addition, the unit had to cater for the Jammu L of C Sub Area and Tactical HQ
Western Command at Jammu ,
which later became HQ Jammu and Kashmir Corps. Another task assigned to the
unit was intercepting and decoding enemy wireless communications without a
monitoring section, which was made available only on 20 October 1948 .
spite of intense operations under way, normal activities continued. Officers
and men continued to attend training courses at Mhow and Jubbulpore ;
there were several visits by dignitaries; religious festivals were celebrated
with customary festivity and entertainment of troops was organised whenever
possible. During the month of May the Corps band visited the Sector, spending
10 days each with SRI and JA Divisional Signal Regiments. Apart from Jammu , the band also visited
Naushera and Jhangar and gave performances for all troops at those locations.
On 15 August a ceremonial parade was held in the station in which 60 men from
the unit took part.
One of
the major commitments undertaken by the unit was for Operation ‘Easy’, for the
link up with Punch. Apart 5 and 19 Brigades that were taking part in the
operation, an ad hoc brigade was established at Rajauri, for which Signals were
asked to provide an ad hoc brigade signal section. Later, a Force HQ Signals, also known as
Durga Divisional Signals had to be created out of the unit’s own resources. Signals
performed well during Operation ‘Easy’ in spite of the difficulties it faced.
Because of the terrain, wireless sets usually had to be carried to hill tops
before they got ‘through’. Due to the absence of tracks and non-availability of
animal transport, wireless sets, batteries and line equipment had to be man
handled sometimes during night. There
were several instances of equipment falling during carriage and being damaged,
but cases of breakdown in communications were rare. In a very short time, several
hundred of miles of cable were laid. Maintaining this cable proved more arduous
than the laying as it was continuously being broken by stray cattle, tracked
vehicles and the blasting operations of the Engineers.
On one
occasion a line detachment almost came to grief. During the last stage of
Operation ‘Easy’ a commander ordered his signal officer to go ahead and lay
cable to Punch. A safe route was shown
to the officer on the map and he set off with four linemen and the cable
stores. Unfortunately, he lost his way and strayed into enemy territory, where
he was fired upon by our own troops. He kept on laying the line and eventually
reached Punch. Communication was established but could not be used because of
the danger of the line being tapped where it passed through enemy held
after the move of the main divisional headquarters to Naushera in October, the tactical
headquarters moved to Rajauri. Orders were also received for raising of 101
Brigade Signal Section at Punch, which was subsequently re-designated 168
Brigade Signal Section in November 1948. After the successful culmination of
Operation ‘Easy’, the GOC congratulated the regiment on 1 December for their
excellent performance during the operation. The unit had a few casualties
during this period, Signalman
Kalyan Singh lost his life on 3 December as a result of injuries received in a
motor accident and Signalman Ram Lachhan
Singh of 168 Brigade Signal Section was killed in action due to enemy shelling.
The year ended with the departure of the CO, Lieutenant Colonel R.N. Sen, on Christmas Day. Major H.K. Bhagwat
took over the unit.

Lt Col RN Sen, CO
26 (2AB) Div Sig Regt gives out his orders to a line party,
while Maj A
Mehra, OC 1 Coy on the right, listens - 1948
There was an interesting incident just a few days before
the departure of Colonel R.N. Sen. Major D.R. Bhagwat was the SO 2
(Communication) in the Signals Branch in HQ Western Command. On 18 December a movement
order was issued, ordering Major Bhagwat to proceed on ‘temporary inspection
duty’ to Jammu on 20 December 1948. An extract of the movement order is
reproduced below:-
IC-1772 Major D.R.
1. The a/n offr will proceed to JAMMU by Air leaving Delhi by 0600 Hrs on 20 Dec 48 , on temporary inspection
2. On arrival at JAMMU
he will inspect 5 Inf Div Sig Regt (JAMMU )
and 26 (2 AB) Div Sig Regt (NAUSHERA).
3. On completion of duty at JAMMU/NAUSHERA he will proceed to SRINAGAR under orders of
Comd Sigs 5 Inf Div.
If the wording of the movement order, asking Major
Bhagwat to ‘inspect’ the two signal regiments was astonishing, the response of
the Commander Signals 26 Division was not. Even as a Lieutenant Colonel, ‘Roby’
Sen had built up a formidable reputation. His response was characteristic and
entirely along expected lines. On 24 December 1948 , a day before he was to hand over command
of the unit, he sent a signal to Western Command, expressing his annoyance and
anger. The signal is reproduced below:-
In the event, Major Bhagwat’s visit to Jammu did not
take place. However, he did visit
Srinagar, reaching there on 24 December and returning to Delhi on 27 December
Northern Front of the campaign included the sectors of Gurais, Skardu, Dras and
Kargil. Though operations in these sectors were usually simultaneous or with
large intervals, for ease of comprehension, they have been covered sector-wise
rather than chronologically. Another important town was Gilgit, which was lost
as a result of a coup at the beginning of the campaign, as described earlier in
this chapter.
The Siege of
the tribal invasion began in October 1947, the entire area from Leh to Bunji
was held by a State Force battalion, the 6 Jammu & Kashmir Infantry, which
had both Muslim and Sikhs in equal numbers. Roughly half the battalion was
written off after the fall of Gilgit, with the Sikhs being killed and the
Muslims joining the raiders. Out of the remainder, approximately two Sikh
platoons each were at Leh and Kargil, with two Muslim platoons at Skardu, under
Captain Nek Alam. Lieutenant Colonel Sher Jung Thapa, who had assumed command
after the capture of the CO, Lieutenant Colonel Majid Alam at Gilgit, was at
Leh with Captain Ganga Singh located at Kargil. After the loss of Gilgit, Thapa
was ordered to collect whatever troops he could muster and move to Skardu.
Starting from Leh on 23 November, he reached Skardu on 3 December 1947 with a force of two
officers, two JCOs and 75 men including three Muslim signallers, who operated
the only wireless set in the unit. After carrying out a detailed
reconnaissance, Colonel Thapa decided to deploy two platoons in the Fort, with
a platoon each guarding the approaches to the town from the direction of
Gilgit. The Muslim platoon under Captain Alam was placed at Tsari, about 32 Km
away on the right bank of the Indus, with a Sikh platoon under Captain Krishna
Singh on the opposite left bank. The only means of communication was by runner,
the sole wireless set being used for communication with Srinagar . With this, Skardu was left with 40
Sikh and 31 Muslim troops, apart from a few officers. However, the garrison was
soon reinforced by 90 State Force troops under Captain Parbat Singh who reached
Skardu on10 February 1948 after an arduous journey of 25 days through heavy
snow. Unknown to the garrison, the outpost at Tsari had been overrun by the
raiders just a few hours earlier.
On the night of 9/10 February, the
Tsari outposts were attacked by a force of 600 raiders, which included 80
deserters from the State Forces. The Sikhs and Captain Krishna Singh were
killed while the Muslim platoon under Nek Alam joined the raiders. The
attacking force attacked Skardu on 11 February, taking the garrison completely
by surprise. However, the defenders rushed to the ramparts, and after a six
hour battle, the attackers retired, leaving behind 10 dead and one wounded.
Inexplicably, the next attack came only after four days. During this period,
Skardu was reinforced twice, by 70 men on 13 February and an equal number two
days later. The strength of the garrison rose to 285 soldiers, with 270 refugees
and prisoners.
In the
following days the hostiles shelled the garrison with mortars and launched
several attacks which were beaten back. In response to urgent appeals from
Colonel Thapa, a company of State Force troops under Brigadier Faqir Singh was
dispatched from Srinagar
on 17 February, under the code name ‘Biscuit’. After collecting another platoon
at Kargil, the column commenced its move towards Skardu via Parkutta and Gol.
The raiders came to know of the move and ambushed the column on 17 March when
it passing through a narrow gorge. Stunned by the surprise attack, the column
retired, losing 26 men killed, 7 missing believed killed and 18 wounded,
including Brigadier Faqir Singh. They also lost a large amount weapons and
ammunition to the raiders. Meanwhile, Thapa had moved out of Skardu on 18 March
with two weak platoons to receive the Biscuit column. When he came to know of
the ambush of Faqir Singh’s column he turned back, only to be himself ambushed
by the hostiles. However, his men fought valiantly and after a running fight
for 8 km, they entered Skardu without a single casualty.
Loss of Kargil
and Dras
desperate situation of the Skardu garrison prompted another attempt at
reinforcement in April 1948. With the Indian Army units fully occupied in the
Uri and Punch sectors, all available troops of 5 and 6 Jammu & Kashmir
Rifles, about one and a half battalions, were collected and despatched in six
columns for the relief of Skardu. The first column of one officer, one VCO and
40 OR was scheduled to reach Kargil on 1 April, with the second column of three
VCOs and 37 OR one stage behind. Major Coutts, who was already at Kargil was
ordered to organise a defended locality with one company, and move forward one
company to Bagicha and another to Parkutta. Starting out of Kargil on 11 April,
Coutts reached Parkutta on 17 April, where he met the raiders and halted, calling
for reinforcements and air support. Another column under Lieutenant Colonel
Sampuran Bachan Singh that had reached Kargil on 21 April was ordered to push
out with rations and ammunition for Coutts. On 28 April the ‘Sugar’ column, as
it was called, under Sampuran Bachan reached Parkutta. Meanwhile, yet another
column under Lieutenant Colonel Kripal Singh, who was appointed the overall
commander of all the columns, was also moving towards Kargil and Dras. Due to
disagreement between Sampuran Bachan Singh and Kirpal Singh regarding seniority
and command, there was no coordination between the columns. Finally, on 4 May 1948 Kirpal Singh was
given overall command and Sampuran Bachan Singh ordered to return to Srinagar .
again, the hostiles came to know of the move of the columns and made plans to
deal with them. Realising that they would not be able to withstand an attack by
the large forces moving towards Skardu, they decided on a bold manoeuvre,
designed to capture Kargil. Leaving only 200 men to continue the siege at
Skardu, the remaining 600 were organised in four columns, each with a specific
task. Preceded by a feint movement towards Bandipur, the columns were to
interfere with the Indian line of communication from Sonamarg to Bandipur,
occupy Gurais and finally capture Dras and Kargil. All attacks were to go in
together to achieve surprise. The feint towards Bandipur was executed on 28
April. On 10 May the first column set
fire to several bridges between Sonamarg and Kangan while the second column had
still not reached its objective near Pindras. The third column attacked Dras, but
the attack was beaten back. But the fourth column launched an attack on Kargil
and captured it, the surprised troops offering little opposition.
the loss of Kargil, the columns going for the relief of Skardu found themselves
sandwiched between the raiders, who had succeeded in interposing themselves
between the columns. The ‘Sugar’ column under Sampuran Bachan Singh and Coutts
was attacked and dispersed as it tried to retrace its steps after the fall of
Kargil. On 13 May the column under Lieutenant Colonel Kripal Singh reported
that it was surrounded on all sides and asked for air strikes or permission to
withdraw. On 15 May 1948
Major General Thimayya ordered all troops in Skardu, Parkutta and Tolti to
fight their way out. However, Skardu was exempted after Thapa protested against
this order, since it would have meant leaving the old, sick and wounded at
Skardu at the mercy of the raiders.
were then made to relieve Dras, where two platoons of 5 J&K Rifles under
Captain Kashmir Singh wee holding out. The task of relieving Dras was given to
1 Patiala ,
which concentrated at Zojila on 21 May. However, by constantly interfering with
their line of communication, the raiders pinned down 1 Patiala , not permitting them to move towards
Dras. After gallantly holding out for four weeks, Captain Kashmir Singh and his
men abandoned Dras on the night of 6/7 June. Most of them were captured or
killed, but a few managed to reach the positions of 1 Patiala at Macchoi on 11 June to give news of
the fall of Dras.
Fall of Skardu
situation in Skardu was now critical. The garrison had run out of food and
ammunition. On 17 June the raiders sent a messenger under a white flag carrying
a letter from Colonel Shahzada Mata-ul-Mulk, son of the Mehtar of Chitral,
asking the garrison to surrender, promising that their lives would be spared.
Thapa refused and the siege continued. The garrison received some rations that
were air dropped by RIAF aircraft but the problem of shortage of ammunition
could not be solved. On 13 August when the ammunition had been completely
exhausted and there was no hope left, many of the men slipped out at night.
Next morning, Thapa sent his last message to General Thimayya and the garrison
surrendered. Apart from Thapa and four other officers, there was one JCO and 35
OR. Almost all were killed, except Colonel Thapa, who was made a prisoner. Thus
ended the siege of Skardu, which had lasted over six months.
‘Eraze’ (Recapture of Gurais)
raiders probably occupied Gurais soon after the fall of Muzaffarabad on October
1947 using the Kishanganga gorge. Some raiders who had entered the Kupwara
valley and Bandipur also crossed over to Gurais over the Rajdhani Pass
after the recapture of Baramulla and Tithwal. It was estimated that about 400
hostiles were deployed in the era, guarding various routes of ingress and
important bridges. Preparations for the re-capture of Gurais could be taken in
hand only after the winter. With the Summer Offensive towards Domel and Tithwal
being conducted at the same time, very few troops were available for the Gurais
Sector. In mid May 1948, 1 Grenadiers was moved from Jammu Sector and
concentrated in Area Bandipur-Tragbal, occupying the Rajdhani Pass
on 27 May. The obvious route to Gurais along the old caravan route from Srinagar to Gilgit was
well guarded, especially at the bridge over the Kishenganga at Kanzalwan.
Lieutenant Colonel Rajendra Singh, commanding 1 Grenadiers, decided to use a
goat track that led from Rajdhani Pass to Gurais, which was known to a few
Gujars in the area.
On 17
June, Thimayya visited Tragbal and discussed the plan for the re-capture of
Gurais, code named Operation ‘Eraze’. It was estimated that at least two
battalions were required for the operation, and 2/4 Gorkha Rifles was
concentrated at Rajdhani
Pass on 23 June. The
operations commenced on 24 June, with the Gorkhas attacking Charpathar on the
caravan route to deceive the enemy, followed by the main attack on 25 June by the
Grenadiers advancing along the goat track. Both battalions achieved their
objectives and on 29 June Gurais was captured. An added bonus was the capture
of Kanzalwan by 2/4 Gorkha Rifles.
The Threat to Leh
operations commenced in October 1947, there was a platoon of the State Forces
at Leh, the capital of Ladakh. After the departure of Lieutenant Colonel Sher
Jung Thapa for Skardu in November 1947, only 33 troops were left at Leh. This
platoon was responsible for the defence of the entire region of Ladakh,
covering thousands of square kilometers. Ladakh was sparsely populated, its
inhabitants being unwarlike shepherds and nomads, who followed the Buddhist
religion. There were several large monasteries reputed to possess considerable
wealth. These factors made Leh an obvious target for the hostiles. The enemy
attack on Skardu on 11 February caused a panic at Leh, and the officer
commanding the detachment sent a frantic telegram to the Premier of the State,
informing him that all of them were certain to be killed, the population
massacred and the monastery looted, unless at least a thousand troops were
flown in. The low state of morale of the detachment brought home the urgency of
reinforcing Leh.
L.P. Sen made plans to send a small detachment to Leh following the only
available route over the Zojila
Pass , which was reportedly
under thirty feet of snow and had never before been crossed in winter. Fortunately, there were several inhabitants
of Lahaul, a region contiguous to Ladakh, in 2 Dogra, including two officers,
Captain Prithi Chand and Captain Khushal Chand, who readily volunteered for the
assignment. A party of 40 men led by them was assembled, with another ten being
kept in reserve. Apart from their own weapons and ammunition, the column
carried 100 rifles which would be used to arm the local militia in Leh. A large
number of ponies were collected, to carry the baggage of the party. In order to
maintain secrecy, the destination was not announced. For this reason, the
signal to HQ JAK Force asking for sanction to send the column was sent by
courier, instead of using the wireless.17
The column comprising about 75 men
drawn from the Indian Army as well as the State Forces left Srinagar on 16 February 1948 , under the command of Major
Prithi Chand of 2 Dogra. The column was placed under Z Brigade, which had been
set up under Brigadier Lakhinder Singh in Srinagar
in the second week of February to oversee operations in parts of the Valley
(Handwara - Bandipur) and Ladakh area. The Z Brigade was later named 163
Brigade. After a gallant effort the
column crossed the Zojila and reached Leh on 8 March 1948 . Major Prithi Chand set about
improving the defences raising a local militia. During the months of March and
April, patrols were sent out in the Shyok and Indus
valleys, to confirm the presence of raiders. An improvised landing strip was
prepared and additional arms and ammunition demanded from Srinagar . On 27 April Captain Badri Singh
reached Leh with some arms and stores.
With the snows melting in May, news
of the raiders advancing towards Leh along the Indus
as well as the Shyok began to come in. The loss of Kargil closed the only route
along which reinforcements could reach Leh. On 17 May Lieutenant Colonel
Sampuran Bachan Singh and dispirited remnants of his party routed near Marol
staggered into Leh, adding to the sense of alarm and despondency of the
garrison. On 22 May the enemy overran the State Force detachment guarding the
vital bridge at Khalatse, which was fortunately destroyed before falling into
enemy hands. Major Prithi Chand sent urgent messages asking for reinforcements
if Leh was to be saved, with the raiders now being only a day’s march
away. Thimayya had already asked for a
strong column to be sent to Leh using the little used route from Manali, but
this was likely to take time. The only way to send reinforcement quickly was by
air, which had never been done before.
On 24 May 1948 Air Commodore Mehar
Singh accompanied by Major General Thimayya took off in a Dakota and landed at
Leh, amidst wild jubilation of the local population. With the air route to Leh
being opened, reinforcements were rushed in. One company of 2/4 Gorkha Rifles reached Leh by
air on 1 June. During the month of June
the troops at Leh took some limited offensive action, sending out patrols to
engage the enemy, who appeared to be waiting for reinforcements. On 26 June a
strong force of 600 hostiles attacked the forward positions occupied by 2/4 Gorkha
Rifles near Dumkhar in the Indus
valley, but were beaten back losing 30 men. Meanwhile, a column of 2/8 Gorkha
Rifles comprising about 150 men under
Major Hari Chand left Ferozepore for Manali on 28 May, but reached Leh only on
5 July. They were immediately sent to join the company of 2/4 Gorkha
Rifles manning the forward positions
near Himis Shukpa. On 10 July they were subjected to heavy fire of 3-inch
mortars and medium machine guns. The Gorkhas fell back, leaving some of their
weapons, and staggered into Leh in ones and twos. Several officers, including
Major Hari Chand, were missing and presumed dead till they reappeared at Leh.18
In July, there were several other
encounters in which the enemy was worsted. But the threat to Leh had not
decreased. After the fall of Skardu on
14 August, it was expected that enemy forces released from Skardu would move
towards Leh. To meet the threat, the rest of 2/8 Gorkha
Rifles under Lieutenant Colonel H.S.
Parab was ordered to move to Leh.
Between 23 and 30 August the tactical headquarters of the battalion and
one company was moved by air to Leh, the remainder moving on foot on the
overland route via Manali. Known as the Arjun Column, the two companies of 2/8 Gorkha
Rifles numbering about 350 men reached
Leh on 18 September. The garrison at Leh now comprised two regular battalions
of the Indian Army and the 7 Jammu & Kashmir Militia. Another supply
column, called the Chapati Column, was dispatched from Manali on 12 September.
A breakdown in signal communications led to an apprehension that the column had
been ambushed, but the fears turned out to be untrue after communications were
restored. To ensure that the column returned before the Baralacha Pass
closed, the Chawal Column was sent out from Leh to take over the supplies
enroute. The columns met on 1 October at Lun and returned after transferring
Thimayya’s orders to Parab were
explicit - defend Leh at any cost. To enable him to carry out his task, he was
appointed the Military Governor with sweeping powers. He readjusted the
defences to make them more compact. A
commando platoon under Major Hari Chand was organised, which infiltrated behind
enemy lines and destroyed a 3.7 inch howitzer detachment in early September.
Later, in November, they successfully ambushed an enemy supply column across
Zaskar river and captured large quantities of supplies and ammunition. After
the capture of Zojila and Dras in early November, Thimayya ordered Parab to
remain in contact with the retreating enemy up to Khalatse and destroy him. Two
company columns were sent out from Leh on 20 November, reaching Khalatse on 22
November. The enemy fought a rear guard action and was able to break contact,
shedding his heavy baggage en route.
Parab left Khalatse on 23 November for Kargil, where his troops linked
up with 77 Para Brigade on 25 November. The area south of the Indus
river was now clear of the enemy. Shortly afterwards, the Cease Fire came into
effect, on 1 January 1949 .
Crossing the Zoji La
The loss of Kargil in May followed
by that of Dras in June 1948 had cut off the land route to Leh. Fortunately,
the alternate route from Manali was activated and began to be used. However, it
was the opening of the air link that proved crucial to the survival of Leh.
With the capacity of both these links being limited, the need to open the land
route via Kargil became an urgent necessity. As all available troops were fully
committed, the operations for the recapture of Kargil and Dras could only be
undertaken after the induction of additional battalions. The first obstacle was
the formidable Zoji La pass, which was held by the enemy. The task of breaking
through Zoji La was assigned to Brigadier K.L. Atal, Commander 77 Para Brigade.
Comprising 5 Mahratta, 3 Jat and 1/5 Royal Gorkha Rifles, the brigade
concentrated at the foot of Zoji La by end of August 1948. The operation was
given the code name ‘Duck’, which proved to be an unfortunate choice.
The first assault on Zoji La was
mounted on 3 September 1948
but failed. The second attempt of 13 September met the same fate, with 77
Infantry Brigade suffering heavy casualties – 20 killed and 72 wounded – in the
two assaults. With winter fast approaching, it was realised that unless Kargil
and Dras were captured quickly, the fate of Leh would be sealed. The Army Commander, Lieutenant General
Cariappa held a conference on 23 September at Srinagar, which was attended by
all senior commanders, including, Lieutenant General S.M. Shrinagesh, GOC of
the newly raised V Corps; Major General K.S. Thimayya, GOC SRI Division; and
Brigadier K.L. Atal, Commander 77 Para Brigade. Lieutenant Colonel Rajindar
Singh, commanding 7 Cavalry, was specially invited for the conference. An
analysis of the reasons for the failure of the two attempts to capture Zoji La
revealed that air and artillery were ineffective against the well entrenched
enemy positions and the only way to neutralize the deadly small arms fire
during the attack was by the use of flat trajectory weapons that could move
with the assaulting infantry. In a bold decision, it was agreed to use tanks
for this purpose. Since the tanks could not move off the road and would have to
be protected by the infantry, the assault would have to be frontal and launched
during the day.19
The new plan for the capture of Zoji
La was given the code name ‘Bison’. Though General Bucher, the C-in-C, felt
that the operation had little chance of success, Cariappa decided to go ahead
with it. By 15 October the Engineers were able to make the track fit for tanks.
To overcome the problem of weak bridges, the weight of the Stuart tanks was
reduced by removing the turrets and transporting them separately to Baltal.
This had the added advantage of concealing the move of armour from enemy agents
among the civilians en route. The attack was planned for 20 October but had to
be postponed thrice due to heavy snow. Finally, the assault was launched on 1 November 1948 , with
Thimayya himself in one of the leading tanks. The enemy was literally stunned
by the sight of the tanks, which none of them had seen earlier. Finding their
weapons useless, they were thoroughly demoralized and fled in terror, after
suffering heavy casualties. By the
afternoon the tanks had reached the Gumri plains. Soon afterwards, the infantry
occupied the Mukand and Chabutra ridges, which had also been vacated by the
enemy. Passing through 1/5 Royal Gorkha Rifles at night, 1 Patiala captured Machoi against stiff
opposition at 1000 hours and exploited another two miles northwards. They captured a large quantity of
arms and ammunition including a complete 3.7 inch howitzer. Enemy casualties were reported to be 60
killed and 30 wounded. The five hostiles
who were captured disclosed that there were approx 350-400 enemy in Zoji La
Recapture of Dras and Kargil
After the capture of Zoji La, the
advance was resumed on 2 November and on 4 November the Rajputs captured
Matayan. However, further advance was held up near Pindras by well prepared
defences occupied by the enemy on two dominating features – Batkundi and Point
12967. Two attacks on the positions failed due to lack of fire support, as the
enemy had occupied positions inside caves, on which shelling by the mountain
battery had little effect. It was decided to repeat the tactics used at Zoji La
and use tanks for the assault. The preparation of tracks took some time and on
13 November the tanks reached near Pindras. The attack was launched next day with
4 Rajput containing Batkundi and 1/5 Royal Gorkha
Rifles going for Point 12697, while 1
Patiala pushed through the valley to capture Dras. The assault was successful
and by 15 November Dras had been occupied.
With the capture of Dras, the line
of communication became relatively secure. However, the threat to Leh still
existed and 77 Parachute Brigade resumed the advance on 18 November, with 1 Patiala and 1/5 Royal Gorkha Rifles leapfrogging
along the Dras river valley. On 22
November a Gorkha company reached Kharal just 6 km short of Kargil, where they
ran into an ambush near a broken bridge suffering 18 casualties within a few
minutes. While attempts were being made to cross the river by use of rafts
another company climbed a mountain peak and taking a short cut, reached Kargil
at 0400 hours on 23 November, only to find it devoid of the enemy, who had
already fled. On 24 November the Leh Column under Colonel Parab linked up with
the Gorkhas. With this, the line of communication from Srinagar to Leh had been re-opened. Commander
77 Parachute Brigade wanted to exploit his success up to Marol, which
controlled the tracks from Skardu to Kargil and Leh, but the plan had to be
given up due to heavy snow and snow blizzards that made all movement difficult.
Without proper clothing and snow boots, the troops suffered terribly, with more
men becoming non-effective from frostbite than from enemy action.
After the capture of Kargil and the
link up with the column from Leh, active operations were suspended for the
winter. The link up with Leh had been
achieved at considerable cost. Indian troops suffered 115 casualties in
Operation ‘Duck’ - 23 killed, 61 wounded and 31 missing. In Operation ‘Bison’,
own casualties were 17 killed, 25 wounded and 6 missing, not counting 350 cases
of frostbite. The losses sustained by the enemy were heavier - 318 killed, 206
wounded and 9 captured. On 1
January 1949 the Cease Fire came into effect and all operations in Jammu and Kashmir came
to an end. This marked the end of the campaign that had commenced on 26 October
1947 when 1 Sikh was flown to Srinagar after the accession of the State to the
Indian Union.
SRI Divisional Signal Regiment
its arrival in the Kashmir
Valley on 4 May 1948 , SRI Divisional
Signal Regiment was initially located at Srinagar .
On 16 May, the Main HQ SRI Division moved to Baramula, leaving the Rear HQ at Srinagar . Consequently,
the signal regiment was also split in two, with signal offices being manned at
both locations. The Srinagar
signal office had communication links to Delhi
as well as JA Division in Jammu .
The unit was under
the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hazara Singh, with Major Kulwant Singh
looking after the elements at Srinagar .
Forward communications on line and wireless were provided to 161 Brigade
(Brigadier L.P.Sen) at Uri, 163 Brigade (Brigadier J.C. Katoch) at Handwara and
77 Brigade (Brigadier P.S. Nair) which had arrived and relieved 161 Brigade for
the Summer Offensive. In addition, wireless links were provided to garrisons at
Skardu and Leh.
Details of the Summer Offensive that
resulted of the capture of Tithwal, Pir Kanthi, Ledi Gali, Razdhangan Pass and Gurais have already been described, along with the loss of Skardu, Kargil and
Dras. The unit was fully stretched in meeting the communications requirements
not only of the brigades but several garrisons and columns such as the ones
that were sent for the relief of Skardu. However, the war diary of the unit
reveals that normal activities, including recreation and entertainment of
troops, continued. On 2 August an excursion was arranged to the Wular Lake ,
for a party 25 other ranks under a JCO.
was a change of command on 1 August
1948 . Lieutenant Colonel Sarup Singh Chowdhary arrived from Eastern
Command Signal Regiment and relieved Lieutenant Colonel Hazara Singh. The Second-in-Command
was Major H.K. Bhagwat, who also performed the duties of OC 3 Company. The
other company commanders in the unit at this time were Captain K.E.C. Gillon (HQ
Company); Major Sri Ram (1 Company); and Major K. S. Deol (2 Company). The officers in the brigade signal sections
were Captain C.C.H. Walters (77 Parachute Brigade Signal Company); Captain
Piara Singh (161 Brigade Signal Company); Captain
Harbans Singh (163 Brigade
Signal Company); and Captain Kulwant Singh (165 Brigade
Signal Company). Other officers who served in the unit at various times during
the operations were Majors Laxman Singh and S.N. Banerjee; Captains S.S. Jones,
W.S Ambardekar, R.O. Mackenzie and S.P.S. Bedi; Lieutenants K.T Bopaya, Hukam
Singh, J.C. D’Souza, Gyan Singh and Gopal Krishan; Second- Lieutenants M.P.
Achuta Nair and Isaac.
Towards the end of August 1948 the
unit moved from Baramula to Srinagar ,
the move being carried out in three phases.
Apart from communication tasks, the unit was called upon to carry out
interception of enemy links. On 11 September a very heavy shower of rain
disrupted lines as well as wireless communication for almost two hours. The
unit area was completely flooded and most of the tents had to be shifted. There was a major security breach on 15
September when 3 Jat, which was then under 77 Para
Brigade lost its Linex and Slidex keys which were presumed to have fallen in
enemy hands. The information was conveyed to all concerned and the traffic
clearance links between Western Command, JA Division and SRI Division were
closed down until new keys were received.
On 14
October the unit moved to a new location in Srinagar known as Ram Munshi Bagh. A new signal
office was opened at the new location and all trunk lines transferred to the
new exchange. At the same time Tactical HQ SRI Division moved to Baltal along
with HQ 77 Parachute Brigade. An exchange was set up at Baltal and
communications provided on line and wireless. By the end of October it had become
terribly cold. Men joining the unit from the Signal Training Centre sometimes
reported without winter clothing, which had to be arranged from the Divisional
Ordnance Unit. This took some time, and the troops sometimes suffered. The low
temperatures and moisture also affected the efficient working of the exchanges.
Electric heaters had to be procured to overcome the difficulty
the capture of Zoji La on 2
November 1948 work began on building a permanent line route behind
the advancing troops. A party eight linemen under a sub inspector of the State
Telephone and Telegraph Department worked alongside the unit line parties for
this task. On 7 November the line was through to Gumri and on 15 November to
Matayan. On 24 November the line up to Dras was working. At the same time, the
line from Leh to Kargil was also through. On 30 November, the line from Srinagar to Kargil was
through. With this, line communication from Srinagar to Leh was now available.
Another problem encountered was
jamming by the enemy. During the Zoji La operations the enemy started jamming
the wireless links of 77 Para Brigade. Working on radio telephony was
impossible and on wireless telegraphy links it took about one hour to pass ten
groups. To counter this three new links were immediately opened to 77 Brigade
which worked simultaneously on three different frequencies passing the same
message. In this manner messages were cleared at the rate of approximately one
message per hour. Another factor that
affected communications was the cold weather. During the operations in Zoji La
area the operators manning the forward links could not operate the sets after 2100
hours in spite of all possible heating arrangements. Even the operators in Srinagar could not work for
more than an hour continuously without warning their hands, even though
‘bukharies’ were provided. The only alternative was to change operators more
The successful conclusion of the
Zoji La operations came as a welcome respite to everyone. Leave was opened and
those who had not had any leave since August 1947 were the first to be
sent. By the end of the year there had
been considerable improvement in the state of communications. A duplex wireless
link was established between Delhi
and Srinagar
before the carnival at Delhi
on 3 December 1948 .
A five pair permanent line route was constructed by Posts & Telegraphs
Department between the carrier room and the signal office at Srinagar . This improved the communications to
forward brigades and to Delhi
and Jammu .
Earth return circuits were put through between Srinagar-Tithwal;
Srinagar-Kargil and Kargil-Leh.
Transposition of the route between the signal office at Uri and the civil
carrier station was also completed.
Communications for the Leh Columns
After the first air landing at Leh
on 24 May 1948 ,
reinforcements were rushed in, the first infantry company of 2/4 Gorkha Rifles reaching on 1 June 1948 . Meanwhile,
another company of 2/8 Gorkha Rifles under Major Hari Chand left Ferozepore for Manali on 28 May. Detailed
instructions for communications for the column were issued by CSO Western
Command on 26 May 1948 .
A detachment of Western Command Signal Regiment accompanied the column,
comprising two operators with a wireless set 62 and a 300 watt charging engine.
The set was to work on schedule on the existing net, with the control station
located at Rear HQ Sri Division, the other outstations being Sonamarg and Leh.
Havildar Nirmal Chand, a radio mechanic who was being posted to SRI Divisional
Signals, accompanied the column as a guide. The column was to follow the route
Manali - Kyelang - Bara Lachala – Sarchu - Panga – Upshi – Leh, and was
expected to reach in 10 days. In the event, the column left Manali on 28 May,
but reached Leh only on 5
July 1948 .
In August two more companies of 2/8 Gorkha Rifles were ordered to move along the same route from
Manali to Leh. Signal Instructions for
the Arjun Column, as it was called, were issued on 21 August. The frequencies,
call signs etc were exactly the same as for the earlier column. The column
numbering about 350 men left Pathankot on 22 August and reached Leh on 18 September 1948 .
Appreciating the need for additional troops on the newly opened route, it was
decided to position No. 4 East Punjab Defence Battalion at Kyelang. On 7
September a detachment from Western Command Signal Regiment was sent to
Kyelang, to establish a wireless link with Pathankot. Shortly afterwards, a
supply column called Chapati was sent along the same route, for which signal
instructions were issued on 8 September. A detachment comprising three operators
with two wireless sets was sent with the column, which was to return to Manali
after delivering its loads at Leh. The Chapati column left Manali on 12
September and came up as an outstation on the same net as the Arjun Column,
which had still not reached Leh. Unfortunately, there was a break in
communications, causing great concern and apprehension that the column had been
ambushed. However, communications were restored and the column continued
towards Leh. Since Baralacha
Pass was likely to close
soon, the Chawal Column was sent out from Leh to take over the supplies en
route and the Chapati column returned after transferring loads on 1 October 1948 .
On 3 November 1948 instructions were issued to
reorganize the Srinagar-Leh-Pathankot wireless net that had been established
for the Chapati Column. Called the X1 link, it was to comprise a control at Srinagar and three
outstations at Leh, Manali and Pathankot, each of which was allotted a four
letter code sign.
Signals on the Northern Front
On 5 September 1948 HQ Jammu & Kashmir Corps was
established at Jammu ,
with Lieutenant General S.M. Shrinagesh being appointed its first GOC. Since there was no signal unit available, the
existing wireless telegraphy detachment with Tactical HQ Western Command was
re-designated J & K Corps Signal Regiment. In view of the limited resources
of the unit, all units and formations were advised to address messages directly
to the Division/L of C Sub Area concerned, with copies being sent to J & K
Corps by mail.
With the move of Main HQ JA Division
to Naushera for Operation ‘Easy’, some changes became necessary in the
communication layout in the Command.
These were incorporated in CSO Western Command Signal Instruction No. 11
of 16 October 1948, which is reproduced below:-
No 36
1. Main HQ JA (2 AB) Div is moving to NAUSHERA in view of
certain impending ops.
2. Rear HQ JA (2AB) Div will remain in JAMMU .
3. 5 Inf Bde will remain under Comd JA (2 AB) Div.
4. JA (2 AB) Div Sig Regt will provide intercomns according to Wrls
and Line Diagrams W1 and L1 att by 0900 hrs 18 Oct.
5. OC JA (2 AB) Div Sig Regt will arrange to open WS 399 on the
Comd W1 and W4 links at NAUSHERA. The
wrls set at JAMMU
on W1 link can be closed down if there is a shortage of WSs.
6. Remain unchanged.
Code Sign
7. Fixed Code Sign for NAUSHERA ‘JGAX’.
8. OC JA (2 AB) Div Sig Regt will arrange to provide the
following line comns:-
A direct PL route from JAMMU
to NAUSHERA. NO taps will be authorized
on this route. Fuller Phones will be
superimposed at JAMMU
Line Comns for units between these two stas will be provided by
A separate PL route from JAMMU
to AKHNOOR will be constr on top priority.
NO taps will be authorized.
A PL route will be constr between the civ exchange at JAMMU and HQ JA (2 AB)
Div JAMMU , to
replace the existing cable route.
9. All existing comns between JAMMU and PATHANKOT will remain unaltered.
10. Between JAMMU
and NAUSHERA will be est under arrangements OC JA (2AB) Div Sig Regt.
11. SCO Western Comd will arrange
to posn 2 link OTP for special tfc between NAUSHERA – JAMMU .
12. One working line det consisting of one NCO and 6 OR’s will be
provided by OC Western Comd Sig Regt.
This det will be returned to Western Comd
Sig Regt at a date to be notified later.
13. Ten oprs are being posted ex CSO Western
Comd Pool.
14. SCO Western Comd will arrange
to post three cipher ops in the first instance and three more when rfts arrive
to JA (2AB) Div Sig Regt.
15. 200 miles of cable has been released. 150 miles more is being released.
16. Two 1260 watt and three 300 watt charging engines are being
Sd/- xxx
Time of Signature 1000
hrs (S.N.
Time issued to Sig Office 1100 hrs Tele 2001/42
Method of dispatch SDS
The shortage of signal resources
continued to be a cause for concern. On 22 October 1948 CSO Western Command addressed
a Note to the Brigadier General Staff, endorsing a copy to the SO-in-C, in
which he requested that another major signal unit be made available in view of
the increased communication commitments in Jammu and Kashmir . A copy of the Note is
given below:-
1. The signal commitments in JAMMU &
KASHMIR have now become so extensive that both JA (2 AB) Div Sig Regt and SRI
Div Sig Regt are finding it extremely difficult to maintain efficient comns.
2. The extent of sig comns reqd can easily
be appreciated if the ORBAT of JA (2AB) Div SRI Div and other allied HQs are
3. JA (2 AB) Div Sig Regt has to provide
comns for :-
50 Para Bde.
80 Indep Inf Bde.
19 Indep Inf Bde.
5 Inf Bde.
268 Inf Bde.
101 Inf Bde.
JAMMU Bde (now under Indian Army
4. SRI Div Sig Regt has to provide comns
for :-
161 Bde.
163 Bde.
77 Para Bde.
165 Bde.
11 Fd Regt.
7 Cav Regt.
5. Additional comns are also provided for
The whole of L of C from KATHUA to SRINAGAR.
Advance base at UDHAMPUR.
HQ J & K Corps.
HQ J & K L of C Sub Area.
6. It will also be appreciated that with
the est of Main HQ JA Div at NAUSHERA, two large sig offices have to be
maintained, one at NAUSHERA and the other at Rear HQ JAMMU .
This is an additional burden on the already over worked sig Regt. It must be borne in mind that both JA (2 AB)
Div Sig Regt and SRI Div Sig Regt have to cope with commitments much larger
than originally catered for both in men and eqpt. A small increment recently authorized by Army
HQ (India )
as an unsatisfactory compromise is not sufficient to maintain the existing comn
7. It must be realized that JA (2AB) Div
Sig Regt and SRI Div Sig Regt are carrying out these extra sig commitments in
addition to normal role they are designed for.
If the above state of affairs continues for some-time due to the present
heavy strain, a serious breakdown of comns in JAMMU and KASHMIR will follow. On the other hand, any future op planning by
this HQ will have no signal backing for want of tech and adm sig pers and eqpt.
8. It is my considered opinion that the
signal units which would be utilized for the present commitments would be no
less than
a Corps Sig Regt
(b) a L of C Sig Regt
(c) a
Div Sig Regt ( emp in a L of C Sig Regt role),
in addition to the existing two Div
Sig Regts emp in their normal role.
9. In view of these very large sig
commitments the provision of another major sig unit in this theatre is
absolutely essential. It is therefore
very strongly recommended that Army HQ may please be approached to make available
immediately a Corps Sig Regt/ L of C Sig Regt based on the following :-
(a) Regt
HQ based on PE IV/115/1946/1 Coln 2
(b) Two
Coy HQ IV/115/1946/1
Coln 3
(c) One
TM Sec. IV/115/1946/1 Coln 5
(d) *One
Line Sec. IV/115/1946/1 Coln 7
(e) One
Line Constr Sec. IV/115/1946/1 Coln
(f) *Two
Op Secs IV/115/1946/1
Coln 9
(g) One
Cip Sec IV/115/1946/1 Coln 11
(h) *One
Med Wrls Sec (8 set) ,, 12
(i) One
DR Sec
,, 13
(j) One
SBO Sec based on PE IV/119/1946/1 Col 11
(k) One
SDO Sec IV/119/1946/1 Col 12
Army HQ may please also be
approached to make the Secs marked * available as quickly as possible.
Copy to SO
in C
Army Headquarters (India )
Shortly after the move of HQ JA
Division to Naushera and the raising of HQ J & K Corps, the Jammu &
Kashmir L of C Area was formed at Jammu .
In order to provide communication support to the formations and units at Jammu , an Ad Hoc Signal
Company was formed at Jammu
under Major Phalwant Singh, of JA Divisional Signals. The Jammu Signal Company was tasked to cater
for the communication needs of HQ J&K Corps, J&K L of C Area, local
units at Jammu ,
rear wireless links from Jammu
to Western Command and the line of communication up to Banihal Pass.
An important event during this
period was the visit by Colonel R.N. Batra, O.B.E, Deputy Director Signals at
Army HQ. During his eight day visit from 17 to 24 November 1948 , Colonel Batra visited almost
every signal unit in Jammu and
Kashmir , including the brigade signal companies/
sections. At each location he met the formation commander and staff to learn at
first hand their expectations from Signals, and to acquaint them with the plans
being made at Army HQ. In the signal units he went into great detail, taking
note of the problems being faced by them with regard to manpower, equipment and
organizational matters. On his return to Delhi ,
he issued his Tour Notes, which are an excellent example of meticulous staff
work. Progress on the Tour Notes had to be sent to Army HQ until the points
listed in them were resolved. The Tour Notes also bring out the peculiar
problems being faced by Signals during the operation in Jammu and Kashmir and the efforts made by
higher HQ to resolve them.
On 1 December 1948 , consequent to the
establishment of HQ J & K Corps to control all operations in Jammu and Kashmir , CSO
Western Command issued fresh signal instructions. 5 Divisional Signal Regiment
was ordered to concentrate at Jammu
to provide inter-communications for HQ J&K Corps and J&K L of C Area. A
CSO and staff was also sanctioned for HQ J&K Corps. (Shortly afterwards,
Colonel H. Chukerbuti was posted as DCSO
HQ J&K Corps).
With effect from midnight 6/7 December 1948, numerical
designations were given to formations in Jammu
and Kashmir . J & K Corps became 5 Corps; JA
Division became 26 Division and SRI Division was to be called 19 Division. The
two divisions were allotted the formation signed used by the erstwhile
divisions which had the same number, with 19 Division getting the ‘dagger’ sign
and 26 Division the ‘panther in triangle’ sign.
On 7 December 1948 , 5 Divisional Signal Regiment
relieved 26 Divisional Signal Regiment of all its responsibilities in Jammu . By 10 December it
had taken over all communication commitments at Banihal, Ramban, Udhampur and
along the Jammu-Srinagar L of C. As the operations in Jammu and Kashmir drew to a close, Signals
got a well deserved ‘pat on the back’ from the Army Commander. On 12 December 1948 , General
Cariappa wrote to the CSO, Brigadier Bhagat:-
In the last months, I have
visited practically everyone of your units in J and K. I write this to tell you how very satisfied I
am with the efficient way in which the officers and men of your corps are
carrying out their very arduous duties under most trying conditions. The morale of everyone of them is indeed very
high and their keenness, determination and desire to get on with the work in
hand has indeed been a ‘tonic’ to me. I
realize a number of officers in command of your units are young and
inexperienced, but at the moment, in the present conditions obtaining in J and
K, they are gaining wonderful experience which will stand them in good stead in
the future. Will you please convey to
them all my best congratulations on their achievements so far, and at the same
time impress upon them that we should all continue to work more determinedly to
finish our job expeditiously.20
The Jammu and Kashmir operations were important
for the Indian Army, being the first major campaign it undertook after Independence . They were
even more significant for the newly christened Corps of Signals, since it was
their first test without the assistance of British tradesmen, who had formed
the core of the technical trades before 1947. The campaign had several
important lessons for Signals, which proved useful in subsequent campaigns.
These were documented by most unit commanders as well as the Signals staff at
headquarters. A report titled SIGNALS IN KASHMIR OPERATIONS – MAY
TO DEC 1948 was initiated by Brigadier B.S. Bhagat, CSO Western Command on 15 January 1949 . This was
followed by another report titled LESSONS
OF THE JAMMU AND KASHMIR CAMPAIGN on 4 March 1949 . Copies of the report were sent to the
SO-in-C, at Army HQ; the GOC-in-C Western Command; all CSOs Command;
Commandants ISC School and ISC Centre and COs
of signal units in Western Command. A few months later, Brigadier Bhagat
prepared another paper tilted SIGNALS IN
THE KASHMIR OPERATIONS, which reviewed the work of Signals in the
operations. This was also published in
the Signalman of April 1950. The salient points covered in these reports are
given in the succeeding paragraphs.
At the
start of the operations in Jammu and
Kashmir , all that was available was an infantry
brigade signal section. The Delhi and East Punjab
Command (later Western Command) had neither a proper command signal regiment
nor any Signals staff. There were no
permanent line communications in existence between India and the State of Jammu and Kashmir . There was a civil aviation wireless link
functioning between Srinagar
airfield and Delhi ,
and this was the only means available for communications between Srinagar and Delhi for the first three
or four days of the operations, until Army wireless links were
established. In the theatre of
operations itself, the brigade signal section had to bear a tremendous load
until such time as a divisional signal regiment was made available. This did not happen till about two months
after the start of operations. To add to
its difficulties, the brigade signal section had no transport worth the name at
the start, as it had been flown in and the vehicles had to be sent by road.
the operations the demands on Signals far exceeded the signal resources
available. As the scale and tempo of operations escalated, the strength of the
forces in Jammu and Kashmir increased considerably, but the strength of Signals
did not show a corresponding rise owing to the lack of signal resources. The result was that the few available signal
units were burdened with commitments that would normally have taken twice the
number of signal units actually deployed. This obviously resulted in lack of
command and control as far as the staff were concerned and lack of efficiency
as far as Signals were concerned. It is essential that a balanced force is
always catered for in an operation of this kind. Signals should be a minimum of
six per cent of the total forces employed in a theatre. This percentage has
been arrived at after a great deal of experience in World War II.
operations brought out very forcefully a lesson that was learnt in the last war
viz. the vital necessity for the inclusion of adequate signal units in the
composition of a Force. In the Jammu and Kashmir
operations, HQ JAK Division was formed before a signal unit had been made available
for providing inter-communications for this headquarters. This was, of course, through no fault of any
one individual, but due to the fact that no signal unit was immediately
available at the time. The result was
that until such time as a signal unit became available, control and command by
HQ JAK Div was extremely difficult. In an
emergency it is nearly always possible to raise formation headquarters fairly
quickly. However, raising of necessary signal units to serve these headquarters
is a very different matter. In these
operations, time and time again, it was the lack of signal units which
prevented the establishment of formation headquarters which were necessary for
better command and control of the forces employed.
Due to
the lack of signal resources, build up of communications in Jammu and Kashmir
was gradual. It was a constant battle of
trying to meet the requirements of formations and troops with inadequate
resources. As the troops advanced and
more places were captured in the difficult interior of Jammu and Kashmir , so these places were
linked up. By the time the operations
came to an end the Corps of Signals had established a comprehensive and
extensive communication network throughout Jammu and Kashmir . Places like Uri, Punch, Jhangar, Naushera,
Leh, etc. where nothing existed were all linked both by wireless and line. This was no easy task when one considers the
difficult country over which communications in general and permanent line routes
in particular had to be established. The
establishment of a good communication system in Jammu and Kashmir linking garrisons and
posts in the theatre of operations enabled them to remain in touch with their
respective headquarters by both line and wireless, resulting in more effective
command and control.
absence of line construction sections in the Corps was a very serious handicap
in the provision of line communications. It was found that the accepted policy,
viz. Posts and Telegraphs Department were to be responsible for the provision
of permanent line, did not work satisfactorily in operational areas. Neither
the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department nor the State Telephone and
Telegraph Department could provide permanent lines as rapidly or as efficiently
as was required. As a result in some
cases lines had to be built and maintained by the signal units from within
their own resources. This proved a very heavy drain on the units, which were
not equipped for such tasks. It was also not conducive to efficient line
construction or maintenance. It was later agreed that the Army will be
responsible for its own line construction and maintenance in operational areas
and for this purpose line construction were raised.
state of communications between Delhi
and the theatre of operations presented major problems, which were overcome
with the help of the Posts and Telegraphs Department that was responsible for
the construction of the permanent line routes connecting India to the
State of Jammu and Kashmir . The rapid construction of these routes made
it possible for headquarters in Delhi
to be in constant touch by telephone and teleprinter with the various formation
headquarters in Jammu and Kashmir . Communications between Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir were first based on the
civil aviation wireless link. Very soon,
however, Army wireless sets (WS 399, WS 53 etc) were flown in and Army wireless
communications were established between Jammu ,
Srinagar and Delhi . This link was further supplemented by the
establishment of additional wireless links while the construction of the
permanent line route was taken in hand.
The completion of this route was given a very high priority and the
Posts and Telegraphs Department deserved praise for the speed with which this
important route was completed.

A key
element in the successful establishment of the communication system in Jammu
and Kashmir was improvisation, coupled with dogged determination to solve
problems and overcome difficulties which at times appeared insurmountable
Shortage of signal units and signal personnel and also, in the earlier stages
of the operations, shortage of equipment were some of the main problems which
were faced. At first glance, there
appeared to be no direct solutions to these problems. It was realized that the old accepted
standards of scale of signal units would have to be given the go by. Every unit
had to fill the place of two and thus every man had to do the work of two. In addition, efforts had to be made
anticipate signal requirements by keeping in step with the staff in the
planning and remaining aware of the day-to-day operational picture. This staff-signal co-operation and liaison
proved invaluable. There was, at times, a tendency to create ad hoc signal
units to serve formations which had no signal units allotted to them. The creation of such units proved
unsatisfactory and did not in any way solve the problem of the shortage of
signal units.
of vital equipment using the laid down channels was often impractical, given
the weather conditions and lack of rail and road networks. Reserves were
maintained both in equipment and in personnel but these were seldom
adequate. The difficulties were overcome
by making use of air, which was the only reliable means of supply in Srinagar , Punch, Leh and
a few other locations. It was not an uncommon occurrence to fly equipment to
these locations at very short notice, especially during the earlier stages of
the operations in the Valley.
with the lack of signal resources was the fact that distances in Jammu and Kashmir were
so large that cable, and sometimes wireless communications, became
difficult. Every effort was made to
utilize existing permanent lines and, in some cases, where the situation
warranted, new permanent lines were built such as the route
Jammu-Naushera-Punch and the one between Srinagar
and Tithwal. In Punch, Captain H.S. Bains dug up power lines and used them to
provide communications to picquets around the garrison.
of signal officers, JCOs and NCOs was also a major difficulty. This was probably because operations in Jammu and Kashmir
started in November 1947 immediately after the Corps of Signals had been
partitioned, losing many experienced personnel to Pakistan . British officers and
tradesmen had left and a large number of experienced Indians had been de-mobilized
after World War II. A large percentage of the Corps at the time comprised
freshly trained recruits and officers, JCOs and NCOs who had earned quick
promotions, with little to show in the way of operational experience. But it
must be said to the credit of everyone that this problem was quickly overcome
and the standard of communications provided throughout the operations was of a
very high order.
Signals personnel were employed operationally in Jammu and Kashmir , it was realized that
their training had to continue if they were not to feel disgruntled and worried
about their trade, pay, etc. apart from the vital question of improving
technical efficiency. Every effort was
made to repatriate those anxious to get back to India after serving in Jammu and Kashmir for
one year and over. It was, however,
found that the majority of OR were quite content, even anxious, to stay on
provided adequate facilities were made available for their educational and
technical training so that they would not suffer financially and be eligible
for promotion. Steps were taken to
ensure that educational and training facilities were available in every large
unit while the smaller units and detachments were given whatever help was
possible to organize training properly.
Sometimes, however, operational commitments made it impossible for
personnel to attend training cadres while they were with small out-sections. Wherever this happened, the men of these
sections were interchanged with others at regular intervals from the parent unit.
It was
noticed that the staff, invariably, used line telephony almost to the exclusion
of radio telephony (RT). The result was that very few staff officers had any
experience in RT and when either the line went out of order or when there was
no line intercommunication, they could not carry on their work. The operations
brought out another lesson learnt in the last war as regards the provision of
inter-communications for the Q staff. In
the beginning of a campaign the necessity for these inter-communications is not
always very obvious, but if provision is not made right from the very start,
then there is a grave danger of inter-communications not being able to cope
with the demands that will inevitably be placed on them by Q staff. The planning of inter-communications for Q
staff includes the provision of adequate inter-communications for an L of C
base and for the L of C itself. Since no
signal units were available for these inter-communications during these operations,
difficulties were faced in providing adequate inter-communications for the base
at Pathankot and for the L of C Pathankot – Srinagar .
During one
particular operation, considerable interference from enemy jamming was
experienced. It appeared that there were enemy wireless sets with proper static
aerials specially detailed to carry out this interference. They were successful
to a considerable extent but in the end it was possible to pass wireless
traffic by taking the following precautions:-
Frequency and call signs were
changed every eight hours.
RT was kept to the minimum.
Three separate wireless links
were opened between Srinagar
and 77 Para Brigade and all messages were passed on all three links
Crystal controlled 76/R 109
sets were used on some of these links.
considerable amount of dislocation was caused because non-signal units went
into operations without being up to scale in signal equipment. The formation commanders called upon their
signal advisers/officers to provide these non-signal units with signal
equipment from within signal resources on an operational priority. This meant that the resources of the signal
units were greatly strained and CSO’s reserves were frittered away to provide
equipment for non-signal units which should have been provisioned in the normal
manner through Ordnance channels.
operations proved to be an excellent testing ground for the various types of signal
equipment, such as wireless sets, generating sets, exchanges and telephones. The
results were as under:-
Wireless Set No. 52 proved
unsatisfactory owing to its defective power-pack. This problem was so serious
that all sets of this kind had to be withdrawn.
Wireless Set No. 62 was found
to be a good set, except for some defects. The carbon brushes in its power pack
became unserviceable very quickly. The 80 Watt charging engine supplied with
this set was found to have a life of only about two weeks. As a result, it
could not be sent out with detachments expected to provide communications for
an indefinite period.
Wireless Set No. 19 proved to
be very satisfactory set but had some problems with the conversion kit and
rectifier valve. Owing to its weight and the absence of pack carrier conversion
kit this set could not easily be converted into a pack set.
Wireless Set No. 767/ R 109 proved very useful and
satisfactory. .
Wireless Set No. 399 proved very useful. However, the mobile power supply of the set –
PE 95 generators – did not prove satisfactory.
It had a mechanical defect in that it overheated with the result that
the voltage dropped.
Telephone Set J proved the most
satisfactory telephone in this theatre. It is not affected by humidity or
temperature and is popular with users. .
The high powered telephone was
very useful in speaking over indifferent and long lines.
Exchange UC 10 lines did not
prove satisfactorily owing to its relays becoming defective on account of
Exchange 40 Lines F&F,
though affected by humidity, was more reliable than the UC 10 Line.
The Jammu & Kashmir operations
began without warning, like a bolt from the blue. Like the rest of the Army,
the Indian Signal Corps – the title was changed to Corps of Signals only in
1948 – was also unprepared. Though the Corps had gained considerable
operational experience in various theatres during World War II, this was the
first instance when it was called upon to undertake communication tasks at such
short notice, without adequate equipment and manpower. The exodus of British
personnel and Partition had led to reorganization of most units and sub units,
which were still coping with the changes when the operations started in October
1947. The shortage of officers was aggravated by the fact that British officers
were not permitted to enter Jammu & Kashmir after 15 August 1947 . The same applied to
British warrant officers and other ranks, most of who were employed in critical
assignments such as foremen of signals and cipher operators. The large scale
demobilization and disbandment of several units had resulted in the departure
of a large number of experienced personnel, especially from the technical
trades. With sources in Britain
and other Commonwealth countries no longer available to replenish equipment
that had become worn out during the War and for new raisings, shortages existed
in almost all units. The resources of the Corps were stretched to the limit due
to additional commitments such as the Punjab Boundary Force, The Military Evacuation
Organization, the Indian Signals Relief Centre and the Kathiawar Defence Force,
details of which have been given in the previous chapter. However, in keeping
with their past record, Signals rose to the occasion and provided the essential
communications whenever it was called upon to do so, which was often at short
notice and much beyond the designed capability of the units.
(This chapter is largely based on History of the Operations in Jammu & Kashmir (1947-48), History
Division; Lt. Gen L.P. Sen’s, Slender was
the Thread – Kashmir Confrontation, 1947-48; Lt Gen S.K. Sinha’s Operation Rescue – Military Operations in Jammu & Kashmir 1947-49;
and personal accounts).
1. Prasad S.N. and
Dharam Pal, History of the Operations in
Jammu & Kashmir (1947-48), History Division, Ministry of Defence,
New Delhi, 1987. p.12
2. Prasad, p.17
3. White Paper on Kashmir, Government of India, 26 Feb 1948, New
Delhi. History Division File No 601/14189/H, p.5
4. Maj. Gen. K.S. Bajwa, Jammu and Kashmir War (1947-48) – Political and Military Perspective,
Har-Anand Publications, New Delhi, 2003, p.10
5. Lt Gen S.K. Sinha, Operation Rescue – Military Operations in
Jammu & Kashmir 1947-49, Vision Books, New Delhi, 1977, pp. 11-13.
6. Lt. Gen L.P. Sen, Slender was the Thread – Kashmir Confrontation, 1947-48, Orient
Longman, New Delhi, 1969, pp. 78-101.
7. ‘Kashmir Operations’, File J 229 (b), Corps of Signals
History Cell, New Delhi, pp.212-4
8. HQ D and EP Command
Letter No. 32012/Sigs dated 31 October 1947.
9. Maj. Gen. V.K. Singh, Leadership in
the Indian Army – Biographies of Twelve Soldiers, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2005, pp. 160-62.
10. ‘J& K Division Intelligence Summary
(ISUM) No. 1 of 22 November 1947’, Document No. 601/14172/H/I, History
Division, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi.
11. The Signalman, April
1950. pp 39-40.
12. Appendix L1 to CSO DEP Command Signal
Operational Instruction No. 1 dated
21 January 1948.
13. Sen, p. 272.
14. Prasad, p.207
15. HQ Western
Command letter No.2128/10/G(SD) dated 21 August1948.
16. Historical Report JA Divisional Signal Regiment, 04 May to 30
Nov 1948.
17. Sen, p. 327
18. Prasad, p.334
19. Sinha, p. 114
20. HQ Western Command D.O. No. 1057 dated 12 December 1948.
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